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"You know we'll probably see each other soon." "Not till the long vacation not till nearly July." "Only three months." "Oh, if you look at it that way!" said he, piqued and sullen. Girls had always been more than kind, more than eager, when he had shown interest. Etta, leaving on a later train, was even more depressed about Susan's heart.

Silence in love betrays more woe Than words, though ne'er so witty; The beggar that is dumb, we know, Deserves a double pity. 'A propos' of this subject: what progress do you make in that language, in which Charles the Fifth said that he would choose to speak to his mistress? Have you got all the tender diminutives, in 'etta, ina', and 'ettina', which, I presume, he alluded to?

'Then in that case will you kindly explain to me why you think I am to be congratulated? He looked uncomfortable. 'I have understood that you and Mr. Tudor were engaged, or, at least, likely to become so. Do you mean, as my astonished face seemed to open room for doubt, 'that it is not true? that Etta deceived me there?

"Let me come in to your room, Etty, and tell you everything. I had a perfect time with Louie; she was a dear. She was always saying, 'Now, who shall we have to dinner? You must settle; so I just gave the word, and whoever I wanted was produced. Louie wishes you would go too. Do go, you would have such fun. She gave me a note for you." "MY DEAR ETTA," the note ran,

I have something to say to Etta," said Rose, and before Graeme could expostulate, or, indeed, answer at all, she was gone. The carriage passed them, and Miss Roxbury leaned forward and bowed and smiled, and charmed Miss Goldsmith with her pretty manner and perfect hat. In a little, Harry overtook them. Rose presented him to Miss Goldsmith, and walked on with the Doctor.

Guinivere stood in grave danger of being called Prue, after somebody's grandmother, and Henrietta was to be shortened to Etta. It was understood that the agents from the Society were to call for the youngsters on Christmas Eve, so that they might be ready for delivery the first thing in the morning. The Society was prepared to attend to all of the legal requirements incident to the transfer. Mr.

"Oh, she's the teacher of the Bible-class; the nicest, most splendid lady in the Sunday-school, except, of course, Miss Etta. She's our teacher, you know, but she's so young she seems just like one of ourselves." "Do you go to Sunday-school?" said Tessa opening her eyes. "I thought only little children went. Father said it was so in Italy." "But everybody goes here.

"Well what is it, Lorna?" she asked in a low, nervous tone. "Look at me, dear." Etta tried to obey, could not. "Don't do it yet," said Susan. "Wait a few more days." "Wait for what?" "I don't know. But wait." "You get four, I get only three and there's no chance of a raise. I work slower instead of faster. I'm going to be discharged soon.

So Mr. Scoville, though rather against his better judgment, sent a note to Miss Etta granting her request, having in his mind a certain class of little ones just out of the infant class, the teacher of which had announced her intention of leaving the school.

Stumbling back as if struck, Harrie leaned against the door-frame, and the hat in his hand dropped to the floor. Selwyn, too, for a half-minute drew back, then he came inside and spoke to Etta, and to me, and to Mrs. Mundy, and to Kitty. Pushing a chair close to the fire, he took Harrie by the arm and led him to it. "Sit down," he said, quietly. "You'll be better in a minute."