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"And I," said Steinmetz, going to the other entrance, "am going to see who opened the side door." "Will you come with me?" said Paul to Maggie. "I will send the servants to put this room to rights." Maggie followed him out of the room, and together they went through the passages, calling Etta and looking for her. There was an air of gloom and chilliness in the rooms of the old castle.

"And do other people, other noblemen, try to do this sort of thing too?" asked Etta at length. "Catrina Lanovitch does," replied Paul. "What? The girl with the hair?" "Yes," answered Paul. He had never noticed Catrina's hair. Etta's appraising eye had seen more in one second than Paul had perceived in twenty years. "Yes," he answered. "But, of course, she is handicapped." "By her appearance?"

One would scarcely have taken this stout German for a person of any sentiment whatever. Nevertheless he would have liked Paul to marry Catrina Lanovitch in preference to Etta Sydney Bamborough, merely because he thought that the former loved him, while he felt sure that the latter did not.

Cunliffe, I am so sorry you were hurt with me the other night, when Etta spoke about the schools. I am not giving up work for my own pleasure; I loved it far too much; but there are reasons, I heard Max give a quick, impatient sigh in the darkness. 'So you always say, Miss Hamilton; you remember we have talked of this before.

"We were going out to buy some clothes when you came," proceeded Etta. "We're in an awful state." "I wondered how two girls with faces like yours," said John, "came to be dressed so so differently. That was what first attracted us." Then, as Etta and Fatty were absorbed in each other, he went on to Susan: "And your eyes I mustn't forget them. You certainly have got a beautiful face.

The very little folks here closed their part of the performance with a "Harvest Song," in which they had been well drilled. Then the older classes arose and recited selected portions of Scripture in unison, class by class. Eunice Mountjoy's class gave "The harvest feast." Deut. xvi, 13-15. Etta Mountjoy's class: "The harvest fruits are the gift of God." Psalms cxv, 10-15.

"I mentioned the Charity League; but that is not my strongest claim upon your attention. I have another interesting little detail of your life, which I will reserve until another time." He closed the door behind him, leaving Etta white-lipped. A Russian forest in winter is one of nature's places of worship.

In case of any trouble reaching you from outside sources connected with this country, I should like you to remember that you are under my protection and that of Steinmetz. Either of us will be glad at any time to consider any appeal for assistance that you may think fit to make. You will always be the Princess Howard Alexis." Etta gave a sudden laugh.

Several times he tried to kiss her. Once, when Etta was out, he opened the door of the room where she was taking a bath in a washtub she had borrowed of the janitress, leered in at her and very reluctantly obeyed her sharp order to close the door. She had long known that he was in reality very different from the silent restrained person fear of his father made him seem to be.

Etta was strong, but she had no such store of strength to draw upon as had accumulated for Susan during the seventeen years of simple, regular life in healthful surroundings. A little while and Etta would be ill would, perhaps probably almost certainly die