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The harassed housekeeper cast an anxious eye on the clock, but loyally stifled the sigh with which she laid her work aside. Lydia apologized for interrupting her. "But I do want you to really think of what I am saying. Everybody's always so busy thinking about things! Oh, Etta, I'm just as unhappy as I can be and so scared when I think about about the future." Mrs.

What Wilson doesn't know about sailing, sponging and fishing isn't worth knowing." By noon they were about twenty miles southwest of North-West Cape and, as the wind had moderated, the reefs were shaken out and the bow of the Etta pointed due north, straight for Sand-Fly Pass. The breeze grew less and less, and in two hours had died away entirely.

So as he could see and hear very well where he was, and as Rose seemed quite satisfied with her place, and with the companionship of her little friend, Miss Etta Goldsmith, he contented himself where he was.

The district plan was abandoned and county organization adopted. A "budget" was prepared and each county assessed according to its population, which plan was generally successful. In January, 1915, the Legislative Committee, this time composed of Mrs. Pyle, Mrs. Etta Estey Boyce of Sioux Falls and Mrs.

"Of course it matters," answered the lady, with an astonished little laugh. "But the position that depends upon a foreign title cannot be of much value," said the pupil of Karl Steinmetz. Etta shook her pretty head reflectively.

Suppose, after all, his feelings are changed, and that he fears to tell you so?" 'Ursula, can you not understand the slow torture of these days and weeks, the first insidious doubts, the increasing fears, that seemed to be corroborated day by day? Yes, it was not my fancy; Etta was right; he was certainly changed; he no longer loved me.

"Delightful!" said Etta, to whom every new thing always seemed so. "A boys' and girls' temperance society, with a pledge that they shall never in their lives taste anything that can intoxicate. Then they will grow up temperance boys and girls from the start." "There are two objections to pledging children that is, very young ones," said Eunice.

His hands were frostbitten; a piteous blue face peered out at his master through ice-laden eyebrows, mustache, and beard. In a moment Maggie was out in the snow beside the two men, while Etta hastily closed the door. "He is all right," said Paul; "it is only the cold. Pour some brandy into his mouth while I hold the ice aside. Don't take off your gloves. The flask will stick to your fingers."

But he was sorry for her; he took her to the play, a rousing farce, for he was one of those who naively consider that two hours of laughing can compensate for months of misery, and even be a remedy. He gave her a brooch also, and said to his mother, "I think Etta gets low by herself, now Minna is married and Louie is away. Why shouldn't she go for some visits?"

'We must quiet her by some means, he returned; and I saw by the light of the lamp he carried that his face looked rather grave. 'Perhaps you did not know that Etta and I were up with her last night. She was in a condition that bordered on delirium. 'No; I certainly did not know that. 'She may be better to-night, he returned quickly: 'her mind is more at rest. Poor child!