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It would be a great deal better for us who call ourselves Christians if we had earned and deserved the world's sneer, 'He is beside himself. But our modern Christianity, like an epicure's rare wines, is preferred iced.

If this precaution were taken at the start, before the flies arrive, any game would be safe and could be left indefinitely to attain the degree of ripeness required by the epicure's palate. Stuffed with olives and myrtle berries, the Corsican blackbirds are exquisite eating.

I ask to be taken to my cousin." "No, monsieur. I follow my wife's wishes." "I loved her, monsieur." My pity of the moment before was gone like vapor. I looked up from my canoe, and took the man's measure. "I think not. You loved something, I grant. Her wit, perhaps, her money, the pleasure she gave your epicure's taste. But you did not love her, the woman.

She had a pan of corn in her hand, and was attended by a retinue that would have rejoiced an epicure's heart. Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and Guinea fowls thronged around and after her with an intentness on the grain and a disregard of one another's rights and feelings that reminded one unpleasantly of political aspirants just after a Presidential election.

Woodward provided himself, however, with another horse, and in due time set out for the Spa at Ballyspellan. The dinner was now fixed for a certain day, and Squire Manifold felt himself in high spirits as often as he could recollect the circumstance which, indeed, was but rarely, the worthy epicure's memory having nearly abandoned him.

Even with the purse of a millionaire, the best of the city's markets is no substitute for a garden; for Nature and life are here, and these are not bought and sold. From stalls and pedlers' wagons we can buy but dead and dying things. The indolent epicure's enjoyment of game is not the relish of the sportsman who has taken his dinner direct from the woods and waters.

While saffron was declining, this neighborhood became a great producer of truffles, and the dogs were trained here to hunt the fungus that is so dear to the epicure's palate. The church of St.

To Byron he became "the fourth of the fools and oppressors called George." Moore immortalized his "nothingness" as a "sick epicure's dream, incoherent and gross." Leigh Hunt went to prison for calling him a "fat Adonis of fifty."

Not only did he cook it to the exquisite point of perfection, but he ate it, bone and all combining the zest of a cannibal with the epicure's finer relish and poured near a litre of wine down his tunnel of a throat, before he deigned to regard whether I lived or was dead.

Me not know what an epicure is?" replied old Gettysburg aggressively. "You bet I do. An epicure's a feller which chaws his fodder before he swallers it." Napoleon subsided. Then he arose and sauntered out to work, Dave and Gettysburg following. Van hastily drank his cup of coffee, which, as he had predicted, was not particularly good, and started for the others. He halted in the door.