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Updated: August 12, 2024

Koenig, who has a choral company, goes to the cream of the cream of such gatherings, and sings and plays from Grieg and Schumann, and Liszt and Wagner, and Chopin and Paderewski, and the place intended for me in this grand organization would appear to be that of jester to my lords and ladies. 'Ach Gott! says Mr. Koenig, who 'speaks ver' bad de Englisch, 'your great people vant de last new ting.

SPEAKS SPRICHT PARLE PARLA French, Französich, Frangais, Francese, German, Deutsch, Allemand, Tedesco, Italian and Italienisch u. Italien et Italiano ed English Englisch Anglais Inglese fluently sehr geläufig. courrament. correntemente. At present he has charge of this billiard-room, but he is ready to follow me to the ends of the earth for a period of not less than three months.

But vhat vould you haf? Here am I, Carl Koenig! I speak ver' bad de Englisch, but I know ver' goot to teach music. I vill teach you same like I teach oder ladies who pay me many dollare. Do you know vhat I am?" Yes, she knew what he was he was the organist at All Saints', Belgravia. "Pooh! I am a composer as veil. I write songs, and all your countrymen and countryvomen sing dem.

But I had an idea, Hannah, that you were one of the people who could manage pretty well to be happy with things as they came." Hannah flushed and buried her face on Miss Lyndesay's shoulder. Frieda looked restless. "Bitte, sprechen Sie mal Deutsch," she said suddenly. "Es tut mir furchtbar weh, immer Englisch zu hören!" Quick as a flash Hannah's head came up, and she laughed a delicious laugh.

One day I chanced upon a sign hung above the doorway of a little German bakery over on the north side. There were Hornchen and Kaffeekuchen in the windows, and a brood of flaxen-haired and sticky children in the back of the shop. I stopped, open-mouthed, to stare at the worn sign tacked over the door. "Hier wird Englisch gesprochen," it announced. I blinked. Then I read it again.

He came and stood in front of me, his legs apart and a cigar in his mouth, and he took the cigar out to tell me, what I already knew, that I was English. "Sie sind englisch," said Herr Pastor Wienicke. "Ja," said I, as modestly as I could, which wasn't very.

"French, and German, and Spanish, and Italian, I suppose, sir." "These make but four. What can be the fifth, my dear?" "De yoong laty forgets de Englisch. De Englisch is das funf." "Oh! yes, the English!" exclaimed the pretty creature, pressing her lips together to prevent laughing in my face. "True I had forgotten the English, not being accustomed to think of it as a mere European tongue.

The German Sprache shall the Britisch Folk's Sprache be and every Englisch Man who German not sprech kann shall with a by-Proclamation-to-be-declared-Strafe gestrafed be. Everyone shall German Soldiers salute. If any one misses this to do shall the Soldier the Right have him through the body with a sword to run. Only German Cigars and Tabak shall gesmokt be.

I faltered, with visions of my evenings spent in expressing myself in the sign language. "Englisch? But yes. Here in Milwaukee it gives aber mostly German. And then too, I have been only twenty years in this country. And always in Milwaukee. Here is it gemutlich and mostly it gives German." I tried not to look frightened, and followed him up to the "but wonderfully beautiful" room.

Byrne sniffed. "What do I smell, Marie?" he demanded. "Surely not sausages!" Marie dimpled. It was an old joke, to be greeted as one greets an old friend. It was always sausages. "Sausages, of a truth fat ones. "But surely not with mustard?" "Ach, ja englisch mustard." Stewart and Boyer had gone on ahead. Marie laid a detaining hand on Byrne's arm. "I was very angry with you to-day." "With me?"

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