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"You are thirsting for vengeance upon Mother Demdike. You shall have it." "Eigh, eigh, you promised me vengeance efore," cried the miller "vengeance by the law. Boh ey mun wait lung for it. Ey wad ha' it swift and sure deep and deadly. Ey wad blast her wi' curses, os hoo blasted my poor Meary. Ey wad strike her deeod at my feet. That's my vengeance, mon." "You shall have it," replied the other.

"Nah, nah," said Jennet, pressing the bird gently to her bosom, "neaw one shan see it efore Alizon." "Cum along then," cried Jem, rather testily, and mending his pace, "or we'st be too late fo' t' round. Whoy yo'n scratted yourself," he added, noticing the red spots on her sleeve. "Han ey?" she rejoined, evasively. "Oh now ey rekilect, it wos Tib did it."

"This must be prevented," muttered a voice near them. And immediately afterwards a tall man quitted the group. "Whoa wor it spoake?" cried Hal o' Nabs. "Oh, ey seen, that he-witch, Nick Demdike." "Nick Demdike here!" cried Ashbead, looking round in alarm. "Has he owerheert us?" "Loike enow," replied Hal o' Nabs. "But ey didna moind him efore."

"No, no, let her stay!" cried Alizon, quickly; "I shall be miserable if she goes." "Oh, ey'm quite ready to go," said Jennet, "fo ey care little fo sich seets os this boh efore ey leave ey wad fain say a few words to Mester Potts, whom ey see yonder." "What can you want with him, Jennet," cried Alizon, in surprise.

What with the grooms running hither and thither, vociferating and swearing, the barking and springing of the hounds, the yelping of lesser dogs, and the screaming of poultry, the whole yard was in a state of uproar and confusion. "Flint mun be possessed," cried Peter. "Ey never seed him go on i' this way efore.

"Ey never wished to dance efore," she cried, "boh ey should like to try now." "Join them, then," said Mistress Nutter. And to the little girl's infinite delight a place was made for her in the round, and, taking hands with Mother Mould-heels and the red-haired witch, she footed it as merrily as the rest.

"Ey needna be afeerd o' owt happenin to ye, mother," said Jem, patting the cat's back. "Tib win tay care on yo." "Eigh, eigh," replied Elizabeth, bending down to pat him, "he's a trusty cat." But the ill-tempered animal would not be propitiated, but erected his back, and menaced her with his claws. "Yo han offended him, mother," said Jem. "One word efore ey start.

"It is Jennet," replied Alizon; "I see her now." And she pointed out the little girl standing beside an alder on the opposite bank. "Yo didna notice me efore, Alizon," cried Jennet in her sharp tone, and with her customary provoking laugh, "boh ey seed yo plain enuff, an heer'd yo too; and ey heer'd Mester Ruchot say he wad hide i' this thicket, an cross the river to meet ye at sunset.

"Yo ought to ha' made proper inquiries about him at first, an then yo'd ha' found out what sort o' chap he wur. Boh now ey'n tell ye. Lawrence Fogg is chief o' a band o' robbers, an aw the black an villanous deeds done of late i' this place, ha' been parpetrated by his men. A poor gentleman wur murdert by 'em i' this varry spot th' week efore last, an his body cast into t' river.

"An' 'imself, too, struck Muldown two pokes, 'efore he lave de hancuffs be pat upon him, at all!" said another of the guardmen; and then turning around, caught a glimpse of poor little Tommy, who had been standing up near a desk, during the scene, nearly "frightened out of his wits." "By the pipers, what! and is't here ye are? The same that was with himself beyant! Come here, you spalpeen you.