Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 10, 2024

She was grey all over, the colour of mother-of-pearl; only the inner side of her wings glowed with the tender flush of an opening rose; a wreath of valley lilies entwined the scattered curls upon her little round head; and, like a butterfly's feelers, two peacock feathers waved drolly above her lovely rounded brow.

Not the least interesting of such associations are memories of the queer manners and habits of the Chinese people, some of which to us outside barbarians, appear so drolly opposed to our civilization of fancied superiority. Let us recapitulate a few of the most marked differences between the Chinese and Western peoples.

But you will keep clear of these places, and go to Thessaly, to Crito's friends, for there are the greatest disorder and licentiousness; and perhaps they will gladly hear you relating how drolly you escaped from prison, clad in some dress or covered with a skin, or in some other disguise such as fugitives are wont to dress themselves in, having so changed your usual appearance.

The unfortunate mechanic evidently heard his footsteps, because he was greeted with: "I wish to Phobos you'd stay down here and try to help me, instead of spending all your time snooping around this deserted shack!" The voice was muffled, but it was definitely feminine and definitely irritated. Dark grinned and replied drolly: "I'm sorry, but this is the first time you've asked me to help you."

I suppose you are not an accomplished scholar?" "I'm about as ignorant as they make 'em," answered Dodger, drolly. "Tim was afraid to send me to college, for fear I'd get to know too much for my business." "Tending bar does not require an acquaintance with Latin and Greek. Would you like to know more?" "I wish I did. Florence was teaching me nights when I was in New York.

I wish I could take a hand myself. But I can't, because I'm a soldier of a friendly power. We'll get Henderson out the night before the election and leave on the late train. You'll have to arrange the program in time for us to catch that train." O'Halloran looked drolly at him. "I'm liking your nerve, young man. I pull the chestnuts out of the fire for yez and, likely enough, get burned.

The direction in which his originality lasted longest, and most strikingly affirmed his power, was in the direction of his verse. Whatever minds there may be about Harte's fiction finally, there can hardly be more than one mind about his poetry. He was indeed a poet; whether he wrote what drolly called itself "dialect," or wrote language, he was a poet of a fine and fresh touch.

She bore it like a Spartan sooner than lose the amusement of his simplicity and enormous strength, so drolly and unnecessarily exerted. It cost her a little struggle not to laugh right out, but she turned her head away from him a moment and was quit for a spasm. Then she came round with a face all candor. "Thank you, Mr. Dodd," said she, demurely; and her eyes danced in her head.

Her voice dropped out, or jerked itself out, and in the crises of strong emotion it was the voice of a scolding or a hysterical woman. At times her movements, which she must have studied so hard to master, were drolly womanish, especially those of the whole person.

This situation has got to become commonplace. I meant to go home to-morrow morning, but if you will ask us all to luncheon " "'Dinner'! We don't have your Philadelphia airs in Mercer." "Well, 'dinner," she said, smiling; "we'll stay over and take the evening train. "I won't ask Blair!" "I hate obstinacy," Mrs. Richie told him, drolly. "Well, I am not so very anxious to see Blair myself.

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