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The gray trout were shy that evening and they had let the canoe drift farther than they thought. Presently somebody hailed them from the bank, and as they let the canoe swing round in an eddy a dark figure moved out from the gloom of the pines. "Driscoll's voice, I think," said Scott. "Head her inshore; we'll see what he wants." It transpired that Driscoll wanted them to take him across.

Then he swung forward and the end of a pick-handle missed Drummond by an inch. Another cutter shot from Drummond's hand and struck Driscoll's side. He stooped, and Thirlwell thought he was falling but saw that he had bent down to pick up his ax. Next moment the blade flashed in a long sweep and Drummond sprang behind the anvil, which occupied the middle of the floor.

"It is because they were peddlers that they could get those things cheaper." Mattia whistled, but he shook his head, then again he whispered: "You're not that Driscoll's baby, but you're the baby that Driscoll stole!" I was about to reply but he had already climbed up into his bed.

I don't wonder he was. I remember. But I don't see that that was a reason for cold-shouldering me. I'm a respectable member of society now I'm one of Harmon B. Driscoll's private secretaries." He brought out the fact with mock solemnity. But to Undine, though undoubtedly impressive, the statement did not immediately present itself as a subject for pleasantry. "Elmer Moffatt you ARE?"

Aunt Patsy had a secret in her bosom; she wanted to keep it there, but nature was too strong for her. She drew Aunt Betsy aside, and said in her most confidential and mysterious manner: "Don't you breathe a syllable to a soul I'm going to tell you something. In my opinion Tom Driscoll's chances were considerable better yesterday than they are to-day." "Patsy Cooper, what do you mean?"

If it don't, you just remember it's always darkest before day. Frank Driscoll's bound to come out right side up. He's a good feller." So saying, the kind friend to this couple took his departure, and Mrs. Driscoll's eager fingers tore open the envelope. At the first four words, "It's all right, Nettie," she crushed the paper against her happy eyes and then hugged Alma. It was all right. Mr.

"Well, it would have to be a good deal bigger than Mrs. Ambler's," Mrs. Old Driscoll's high and dry since the Ararat investigation." She threw him a puzzled glance, having no time, in her crowded existence, to follow the perturbations of Wall Street save as they affected the hospitality of Fifth Avenue. "You mean they've lost their money? Won't they give their fancy ball, then?"

They laughed at him, and called him coward, liar, sneak, and other sorts of pet names, and told him they meant to call Chambers by a new name after this, and make it common in the town "Tom Driscoll's nigger pappy," to signify that he had had a second birth into this life, and that Chambers was the author of his new being.

Father Lucien said nothing, but looked at him with a quiet smile, and Thirlwell resumed: "Well, there was a man; a white man. But the thing's not to be understood. He knew you were starving and stole away! Then where did he come from? There's no white man except Driscoll between the Hudson's Bay post and the mine, and you saved Driscoll's life."

Driscoll's bemused mind could not grasp the thought of duty that demanded self-sacrifice, but he had animal courage and stubbornness. He would carry out what he had undertaken. Moreover, he might have animal cunning without having cultivated intelligence, and his strength and resolution made him dangerous.