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"He sits theer chitterin', ding dong, ding dong, all the wisht day. Tom's death drove en cracked, but 'e ban't no trouble, 'cept at feedin' times. Besides, I keeps a paid servant girl now," said Mrs. Tregenza. Joe Noy had heard neither the man nor the woman. From the moment that he knew the truth concerning Joan his own thoughts barred his ears to all utterances. "Who weer it? Tell me the name.

Again the magic of the desert night was in my blood, and I blessed the fate which had carried me away from the roar and rush of New York with its hurrying crowds. But I felt a pang of envy when, far away in the distance, there came the mellow notes of a camel-bell. Dong, dong, dong it sounded, clear and sweet as cathedral chimes.

Wan by wan the lads are off." Pourcette, without any warning, began speaking, but in a very quiet tone at first, as if unconscious of the others: "Poor Jo Gordineer! Yes, he is gone. He was my friend so tall, and such a hunter! We were at the Ding Dong goldfields together.

What's that'?" asked Olivia, holding up her hand. Out of the mist there came the dismal clang of a bell. "Dong! Ding! Dong!" "A vessel!" cried Bob. "Look out, Jerry, or we'll be run down." "That isn't a vessel," said Rose, with a worried look on her face. "That's the bell of the shoal buoy. We are quite a way out to sea!" "And lost in the fog," added Nellie.

The pandies have been intrenching themselves very strongly at Dong, which is five miles from here. But this is not the worst part. We know they have placed two heavy guns on the other side of the Pandoo Nuddee, which is a large stream three miles beyond Dong. These guns will sweep not only the bridge, but the straight road for a mile leading to it.

Don't you think that you are just a little bit too fastidious? Billy's nothing but a care-free child." "It's the 'free' part that I object to, William. She has taken every one of you into intimate companionship even Pete and Dong Ling." "Pete and Dong Ling!" "Yes." Mrs. Stetson's chin came up, and her nostrils dilated a little.

Jake Cornell demanded, following his host's gaze with approval. "None o' your gammon, Jake," the Virgin snapped back, with lip curled contemptuously for Vance's especial benefit. "I fancy it'd be more in keeping if you'd look to pore Blanche, there." "Fact is, we're plum ding dong played out," Jake said. "An' Blanche went through the ice just down the trail, and her feet's like to freezin'."

At intervals came the distant chimes of three distinct village churches ding dong, dong ding, pango, frango, jango very much jango bang, clatter, clash a humming vibration and dreadful stir.

By way of variety they sang several other things, including: 'We'll hang ole Closeland On a sour apple tree, and 'Rally, Rally, men of Windley For Sweater's sure to win. As they passed the big church in Quality Street, the clock began to strike. It was one of those that strike four chimes at each quarter of the hour. It was now ten o'clock so there were sixteen musical chimes: Ding, dong!

We flew over farms where there were Doves like you; over rivers where the Wild Ducks were feeding by the shore; and over towns where crowds of boys and girls were going into large buildings, while on top of these buildings were large bells singing, 'Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong." "I don't think that was a very pretty song," said the young Dove.