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Meanwhile the lords of the creation strutted about, some in dressing-gowns, others, "full puff," with bags and boxes under their arms while sturdy porters were wheeling barrows full of luggage to the jetty. The bell-man went round dressed in a blue and red cloak, with a gold hatband. Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong, went the bell, and the gaping cockneys congregated around.

As I write these words, the bell of the South Congregational strikes dong, dong, dong; dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong. Nobody has unlocked the church-door. The old tin sign, "In case of fire, the key will be found at the opposite house," has long since been taken down, and made into the nose of a water-pot. Yet there is no Goody Two-Shoes locked in. No! But, thanks to Dr.

Then, when Flossie grew tired of the house, Freddie turned it into a stable, in which he placed his rocking-horse. Then he brought out his iron fire engine, and used the place for a fire-house, tying an old dinner bell on a stick, stuck over the doorway. Dong! dong! would go the bell, and out he would rush with his little engine and up the garden path, looking for a fire.

'I saw Mark following you like an ape, on all-fours; such nice white teeth! grinning at your heels. But he can't bite yet ha, ha, ha! Poor Mark! 'Will you be so good, Sir, as to touch the bell? said Lake, changing his tone. He was afraid to remove his arm from Dorcas, and he was splashing water from a glass upon her face and forehead. 'No no. No bell yet time enough ding, dong.

It was covered with dirt. Jacob Stuck blew his breath upon it, and rubbed it with his thumb. Crack! dong! bang! smash! Upon my word, had a bolt of lightning burst at Jacob Stuck's feet he could not have been more struck of a heap.

There, day after day, Schwartz Carl kept watch upon the gray road that ran like a ribbon through the valley, from the rich town of Gruenstaldt to the rich town of Staffenburgen, where passed merchant caravans from the one to the other for the lord of Drachenhausen was a robber baron. Dong! Dong! The great alarm bell would suddenly ring out from the belfry high up upon the Melchior Tower. Dong!

"I shall be late to dinner, and Dong Ling loathes anybody who's late to his meals as I found out to my sorrow the night we got home. Good-by, dear. I'll be out soon again and fix it all up about the Annex, you know." And with a bright smile she was gone. "Dear me," sighed Aunt Hannah, stooping to pick up the black shawl; "dear me!

Without apparent rhyme or reason, ding, dong, ding they go, every bell-ringer at each different church striving to see how much noise he can make, under the plea of bringing the faithful to their prayers at the early morning mass." The only conceivable advantage of these early bells is the fact that they turn out many a traveller at the hour when Havana is really at its best.

Of course, Lear is the spirit they express. A portrait by a post-Impressionist is sure to be "A Dong with a luminous nose." And don't you remember, "The owl and the pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat"? Wouldn't a boat painted by a Post-Impressionist be pea-green? 'Perfectly. I see that. But why the pobble without its toes?

He thought that when people grow up they are not surprised by anything, and that when they are strong they know everything; and he would try to be grown up himself, and to hide his curiosity, and appear to be indifferent. He was silent them The rolling of the carriage made him drowsy. The horse's little bells danced ding, ding; dong, ding.