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"Indeed it wasn't mine!" expostulated madam, "though I'm deeply indebted to somebody. Who was it, Doyle?" "Docther Bentley, ma'am. He said I was to keep it dark, ma'am 'an' in the coolest place I could find " But here the peals of laughter silenced the words and rang the glad tidings to listening, waiting ears in the kitchen that all was well. Mrs.

Patrick, do be in good health, so far as I know, but I niver was no veternairy surgeon to dago pigs. Mebby thim clerks wants me to call in the pig docther an' have their pulses took. Wan thing I do know, howiver, which is they've glorious appytites for pigs of their soize. Ate?

"She wouldn't let me touch her no way, but, as luck had it, it was one o' the times when we had a hired girl, an' hearin' the noise she come gallopin' up the stairs. She wa'n't a young girl, an' she had a face humbly 'nough to keep her awake nights, but she had some sense, an' 'You'd bether run fer the docther, she says, when she see the state my wife was in.

Mr Button had put in a year as a longshoreman at Deal, and he had got a great lot to tell of his cousin and her husband, and more especially of one, Hannah; Hannah was his cousin's baby a most marvellous child, who was born with its "buck" teeth fully developed, and whose first unnatural act on entering the world was to make a snap at the "docther."

"Why, Lard bless you, man alive, Dolly's so light it's as good as a lift-up, only to have her on your shoulders! Didn't you never hear tell of gravitation? Well that's it!" But Uncle Mo was out of his depth. "It'll do ye a powerful dale of good, Mr. Wardle," said Mrs. Riley. "Niver you mind the docther!"

"`Begorrah, that he will, sor, agreed O'Dowd, the porter. `It's moighty kind of you two young gintlemen going for to say her, an' I'll make a p'int of lettin' the docther know whin he comes back from the Lord Liftinnint! "`All right, O'Dowd, says I. `Mind you till the professor, an' he can thin follow us up on his return to the college that is, if he loikes!

"Well, sur," said Pat, with as ingenuous and candid an air as if he were telling the truth, "the wife o' a neighbor o' mine was taken on a suddint, and I went for the docther, and as I was a comin' home, who shud I see sittin' on a doorsthep but Misther Haldane, and I thought it me duty to bring him home to yees." "You have done right. Was it on the doorstep of a drinking-place you found him?"

Me an' him hed lots o' fun together when I 'resided' with his mamma, didn't we, Yan? Now, Granny's the one to tell ye all about the plants." A long groan from Sam now called all attention his way. "Well, if it ain't Sam Raften," said Biddy coldly. "Yes, an' he's deathly sick," added Granny. "Their own docther guv him up an said mortal man couldn't save him nohow, so he jest hed to come to me."

The illusthrious neems of Walther Scott, Thomas Moore, Docther Southey, Sir James Mackintosh, Docther Donovan, and meself, are to be found in the list of conthributors. It's the Phaynix of Cyclopajies a litherary Bacon." "A what?" says the genlmn nex to him.

Brady; 'then why don't you go for a doctor? 'Arrah, sure, you're the docther for my friend; he had an accident which wants yer honor. 'Well, what was it? 'Well, yer honor, he was arristed for a thrifle of a burglary, shure. Quick as Mr. Brady was, with the readiness of his race, for repartee, he sometimes met his match among his own countrymen.