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The result has proved satisfactory in an eminent degree, and speaks well for the character of the British soldier. It appears from a paper presented to the House of Commons some years ago, giving the details of the savings effected by the respective corps, that the men of the Royal Artillery had saved over twenty-three thousand pounds, or an average of sixteen pounds to each depositor.

Lapham told his trustees, "and is getting to be a large depositor himself." Peter began to find help necessary, and took a partner. He did this at the suggestion of Ogden Ogden, who had concluded his clerkship, and who said to Peter: "I have a lot of friends who promise me their work. I don't know how much it will be, but I should like to try it with you.

So I had over $67,000 to my credit, and had now been a depositor for five months. George took up his residence at a private house in the west end of London, while Mac and I went to the Grosvenor Hotel.

The following is a facsimile of the tickets, printed on parchment, attached to each parcel of which a duplicate, printed on common paper, is given to the depositor: BENDIGO CREEK. No. 2772. Date, 8th of October, 1852. Name, Mr. A . Quantity, 60 oz. 10 dwts. Consigned to, Self. The trifling charge for all this trouble and responsibility is sixpence an ounce.

A man, evidently a mining man, claiming to be in town from a strike in Tonopah, deposited twenty-five thousand dollars at the Merchants' and Citizens' Bank. It was in cash. The depositor gave his name as what do you guess?" Shandon looked at him blankly. Kinsell smiled and said abruptly, "He gave his name as Wayne Shandon. How does that strike you?

I won't be as long as your friend last night." Then he added to a negro porter, "Show him round there." He moved away, stopping at one or two desks to give an order to the clerks, and once before the railing to speak to a depositor. Randolph followed the negro into the hall, through a "board room," and into a handsomely furnished office. He had not to wait long.

He was a large man with a heavy black beard; as he handed the new bank book to the depositor, he would say in a dictatorial tone: "Now here is your bank book." What emphasis he put on those words! "It shows you what you have at the bank. Don't fold it. Don't crumple it. Don't get it dirty. But above all things don't lose it, or let it be stolen from you.

This precious parcel was taken three miles distant and deposited in a canyon near a spring where there is a luxuriant growth of reeds. Prayers were offered by the depositor for health, rain, food, and good fortune to all. Only the theurgist and his attendants and a few of the near relatives of the invalid were present at this ceremony.

On the other hand, it would give to the Government no greater security, for in case of failure the claim of the note holder would be no better than that of a depositor. I am aware that the danger of inconvenience to the public and unreasonable pressure upon sound banks have been urged as objections to requiring the payment of the revenue in gold and silver.

If out of 3,000,000 L. of money, one depositor has 1,000,000 L. to his credit, and may draw it out when he pleases, a much larger reserve will be necessary against that liability of 1,000,000 L. than against the remaining 2,000,000 L. The intensity of the liability, so to say, is much greater; and therefore the provision in store must be much greater also.