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Peyton the slip, chucked up her situation as adopted darter, and went off with a queer sort of a cirkiss woman, one of her own KIN, and I reckon one of her own KIND." To this Mr. Hooker offered no further reply than a withering rebuke of the waiter, a genteel abstraction, and a lofty change of subject.

Well, ivery day the flax an' the vittles, they was browt, an' ivery day that there little black impet used for to come mornin's and evenin's. An' all the day the darter, she set a tryin' fur to think of names to say to it when te come at night. But she niver hot on the right one.

Ole Nixon has been cavoortin' round yer the last two days, swearin' to kill you on sight for runnin' off with his darter. Sabe? Now, let me ax ye two questions. FIRST, Are you heeled?" Ruth responded to this dialectical inquiry affirmatively by putting his hand on his revolver. "Good! Now, SECOND, Have you got the gal along here with you?" "No," responded Ruth in a hollow voice.

Inwardly admiring the perspicacity of his companion, Jeff was about to open the coach door when Bill interrupted. "I'll pack the old woman, if you'll look arter the darter and enny little traps." A female face, anxious and elderly, here appeared at the window. "Thet's my little game," said Bill, sotto voce. "Is there any danger? where is my husband?" asked the woman impatiently.

"You wicked woman," said Calton, revolted at the malignity of the scheme. "You sacrificed an innocent girl for this." "None of yer preachin'," retorted the hag sullenly; "I ain't bin brought up for a saint, I ain't an' I wanted to pay 'im out 'e paid me well to 'old my tongue about my darter, an' I've got it 'ere," laying her hand on the pillow, "all gold, good gold an' mine, cuss me."

If your parents have been faulty, let the darter be less so; remember that you're young, and the youthful may always hope for better times; that you're more quick-witted than usual, and such gin'rally get the better of difficulties, and that, as for beauty, you're oncommon, which is an advantage with all. It is time to get a little rest, for to-morrow is like to prove a trying day to some of us."

Yet, after all, I dare say that Judith has her vartues, and Hetty has her failin's." "And the 'Feeble-Mind' has seen the chist opened?" inquired Chingachgook, with curiosity in his glance. "Sartain; that much I've heard from her own lips; and, for that matter, so have you. It seems her father doesn't misgive her discretion, though he does that of his eldest darter."

So she went straight on without stopping to take breath: "Not that I mistrust you now, sir, which I see exactly what you are; and which likewise your having of your darter with you is a rickymindation; for men don't go about a taking of their darters with them when they are up to robbery and murder, do they now, sir?"

Me, who am attached to your fountains and dances, not the army put to flight at Philippi, not the execrable tree, nor a Palinurus in the Sicilian Sea has destroyed. But what could Typhoeus, and the strong Mimas, or what Porphyrion with his menacing statue; what Rhoetus, and Enceladus, a fierce darter with trees uptorn, avail, though rushing violently against the sounding shield of Pallas?

Poll! don't you mind me a-tellin' you about my pore darter Winifred for my darter she was, as I'll swear afore all the beaks in London don't you mind me a-sayin' that if she wouldn't talk when she wur awake, she could mag away fast enough when she wur asleep; an' it were allus the same mag about dear little Henry, an' dear Henry Halywin as couldn't git up the gangways without 'er.