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An' I curse the day ever my darter was born in the world, when I think she'm your wife, an' no law can break it." He turned and went into the house, and Phoebe stood alone with her husband. "Theer!" cried Will. "You've heard un. That was in his heart when he spoke me so fair. An' if you think like he do, say it. Lard knaws I doan't want 'e no more, if you doan't want me!" "Will! How can you!

To Bill, aloud, he said: "Reckon you'll hev' to let me be her uncle for awhile yet. Yer most too young a feller to offer to take car' of a gal like that. Bob Matheny's darter has a right to what leetle dust pans out o' Kentuck's claim. Thet's my go."

They were covered with a species of plotus, nearly resembling the anhinga, or white bellied darter. These birds perch in files, like pheasants and parrakas, and they remain for hours entirely motionless, with their beaks raised toward the sky.

Phoebe, my dear, said he to his darter, bring the pipes and tobacco. As soon as the old gentleman fairly got a pipe in his mouth, I give Phoebe a wink, as much as to say, warnt that well done. That's what I call a most particular handsum fix. But I'm of his opinion.

The scene is laid in Veniss. Otheller was a likely man & was a ginral in the Veniss army. He eloped with Desdemony, a darter of the Hon. Mister Brabantio, who represented one of the back districks in the Veneshun legislater.

If the parson sez to me, 'Is your darter a vargin-maid? d'ye think I shall say, 'Oh no, parson'? I'll swear she is a vargin-maid on all the Bibles in all the churches in Wales." That's jis' what I sez to Polly Onion, God forgi'e me. An' Poll sez, "The parson'll be sure to send you to hell, Meg, if you do that air." An' I sez, "So he may, then, but I shall do it, no fear."

"Axing pardon for taking up any of your time, sir," he began, "but theer'm a matter concerning a party in your business as painted a maiden here, by name o' Joan Tregenza. She weern't nobody awnly a fisherman's darter, but the picksher was said to be done in these paarts, an' I thot, maybe, you'd knaw who drawed it."

"I be strong strong to meet my awn darter. Gimme the key, quick the key, Will do 'e hear me, child?" "I'll come along with 'e." "No, I say. What! Ban't I a young woman still? 'T was awnly essterday Chris corned in the world. You just bide with Phoebe, an' do what I tell 'e." Will handed over the key at this order, and Mrs.

'Why, man alive! your eyes are afire jist like a cat's wi' drownded kitlins. 'She was not your daughter. 'Not my darter? said she, as she stooped to pick up the sovereign. 'You ain't a-goin' to catch me the likes o' that. The Beauty not my darter! All the court knows she was my own on'y darter.

You can't set your face ag'in' the laws of natur'. Will you be steppin' in? Joan will give you some breakfast." Carver paid no heed to the invitation. "Hev you married her?" said he. The blood rose to Pierre's brown face. "Sure I hev." "Well, sir, you hev married the darter of a " Carver used a brutal word. "Look out fer her.