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I could hardly conceive a man ignorant enough to er er throw away such evident good fortune or base enough to deceive the trustfulness of womanhood matured and experienced only in the chivalry of our sex, ha!" The woman smiled grimly. "Yes! it's my darter, Zaidee Hooker so ye might spare some of them pretty speeches for HER before the jury."

It appears he can find none so suitable. "No, I don't understand!" exclaimed the old fellow, fiercely. "This has been a black week for me, Sir John. First of all my darter's youngest darter comes and tells me she've picked up with a man.

"That is neither here nor there," continued Mr. Jones. "It was when the trapper first made the beaver's acquaintance that he showed he knew as much as a human critter. At that time he had one wife and lived with her all alone in a hole, side o' the dam. They had two sons and a darter. The darter the old beaver had married to a fine lookin' young beaver who lived t'other side the dam."

I did t'ink you spoke of Bettie; an surely dat is vooman's name?" "Ay, but Betty's my darter, not my wife," returned Paul, who resented this inquisition with regard to his private affairs. "Is you not 'fraid," said the botanist, quietly helping himself to a marrow-bone, "to leave you's darter at Simpson's Gully?" "Who told you I left her there?" asked Bevan, with increasing asperity. "Oh!

"And if I choose to do neither?" he said haughtily. She looked at him in unutterable scorn. "There's the winder take it while there's time, afore I bar it. Ef you see Hiram, tell him ye left an old woman behind ye to defend the place whar you uster hide with her darter." Before he could reply there was a distant report, followed almost directly by another.

"I ban't no darter o' Baal, an' the money's come by honest. I've lied afore, but never shall again. An' I've let Joe go 'is ways thinkin' I loved en, which I doan't. I be tokened to a furriner from London, an' he's took me for his awn, an' he be gwaine to come down-long mighty soon an' take me away. But I couldn't tell 'e nothin' of that 'cause he bid me keep my mouth shut. So theer."

She took a coal of fire with the tongs, and blew it fiercely, to light a lamp by. When it was alight, she set it on the chimney-shelf, revealing thereby a man at the back of the room, balancing his chair on two legs against the wail; his feet were on its highest round, and he twirled his thumbs. "Hum," he said, when he saw me observing him; "this is the oldest darter, is it?"

"They came around to my place yesterday, and stole my apples and pears, and talked sassy to my darter an' the hired man. I saw 'em, but they ran, away before I could git my hands on 'em. I vowed I take 'em down a peg when I met 'em, an' I guess I done it," added the old farmer, with evident satisfaction. "You did, Mr. Baker," answered Pepper. "And you've done us a service in the bargain."

Now I knaw 'twas God spoke; now I knaw that her's none o' my gettin'. 'Who honoreth his faither shall 'a' joy o' his awn childern. Shall I, as weer a pattern son, be cussed wi' a strumpet for a darter?" "You'm speakin' a hard thing o' dead bones, then. The Chirgwins is upland folks o' long standin', knawn so far as the Land's End, an' up Drift an' down Lizard likewise."

The contest between Athena and Ares was that eternal contest between rational thought and the brute force of ignorance; the arrows which rattled in the quiver of the 'Far Darter' were no longer the instruments of vengeance shot from the golden bow of the child of God, but the common rays of the sun, which was itself nothing but a mere inert mass of burning metal.