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"No!" she said, "tell me about the best restaurants and theatres, and how the people live." "That's a large order," he answered, "but I'll try." They talked for an hour or more; neither, in fact, took an exact account of the time. Suddenly they looked up to see a dark-faced, correct-looking servant standing before them. "The luncheon gong has gone, your Grace," he said. "Shall I take the rugs?"

And thus Kruger was pulled down and the dark-faced men in the photograph reigned in his stead. XX. The Giant I sometimes fancy that every great city must have been built by night. At least, it is only at night that every part of a great city is great. All architecture is great architecture after sunset; perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks.

Luckily, or unluckily perhaps, Mr. Watchorn was at home, and was in the act of shaving as Peter entered. He was a square-built dark-faced, dark-haired, good-looking, ill-looking fellow who cultivated his face on the four-course system of husbandry.

With arms interlaced, we paced the upper hall, vociferously warbling as breath was given us, when a door opened, and the gifted, dark-faced woman, with kindly eyes, beamed out on us. "Come," she called, "come in here, children, and sing your songs for me: I am very fond of music." Very bashfully we signified our willingness to oblige, indeed, we dared not do otherwise, and sidled into the room.

He was about to learn some other things which were not upon the ship's books, for he had reached the heel of the bowsprit, where Señor Zuroaga was standing, gazing dreamily westward. "Good morning, señor!" said Ned. "We did get away." "I don't know how good a morning it is for me," replied the dark-faced Mexican, wearily.

It was soon lighted, and Jasper was thinking how much more clear and beautiful a landscape looked through tobacco smoke, when a hand was laid lightly on his shoulder. Looking quickly round, he beheld a tall dark-faced Indian standing by his side.

His dark-faced father smiled slightly and showed his teeth through his beard. He understood now the mistakes Comale had made in the cinnamon work the previous day. "A wrong heart makes corundoo peeling go ill, Comale," he said gravely. "Corundoo" is the native word for cinnamon. "A wrong heart makes rice-cooking go ill, too," softly confessed Pidura. "I am sorry for yesterday's rice!

And, so far as I am concerned, I don't mean to have anything to do with these two English gentlemen and the yacht Starlight. Well, here we are at the mission. Good-day, Mr. Deighton; I'm going to Lak-a-lak to see how my timber-getters are doing." And with a kindly nod at the troubled missionary, the big, dark-faced trader strode along the beach alone.

"If you are really so anxious to see a sure enough cowboy, look over there," said Stanford, and pointed across the street. "Where?" demanded Helen eagerly. "There," smiled Stanford, "the dark-faced chap near that automobile standing by the curb; the machine with the pretty girl at the wheel. See! he is stopping to talk with the girl." "What!

They are very languid ladies, as they recline upon their carriage cushions; they are all black-eyed, and of an olive pallor, and have gloomy rings about their fine eyes, like the dark-faced dandies who bow to them.