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Updated: August 16, 2024

When cannons are roaring, and bullets are flying, The lad that would have honour, boys, must never fear dying. "Captain Dalgetty," said Lord Menteith, "the time is come that we must part, or become comrades in service." "Not before breakfast, I hope?" said Captain Dalgetty. "I should have thought," replied his lordship, "that your garrison was victualled for three days at least."

We know Cuddie Headrigg a great deal better than Henry Morton, and Le Balafre better than Quentin Durward, and Dugald Dalgetty better than anybody. Humour it is that gives flesh and blood to the persons of romance; makes Mr. Lenville real, while Nicholas Nickleby is only a "walking gentleman." You cannot know Oliver Twist as you know the Dodger and Charlie Bates.

"Fool!" said Allan, "stand aside, and dare not to come between the tiger and his prey!" But, far from quitting his point, Dalgetty stept across the fallen body of MacEagh, and gave Allan to understand, that if he called himself a tiger, he was likely, at present, to find a lion in his path.

The sergeant being cashiered, never called Master William to account, for which he was evill thought of; so that he retired home, and quit the warres." The above quotation is taken from a work which the author repeatedly consulted while composing the following sheets, and which is in great measure written in the humour of Captain Dugald Dalgetty.

Ride to M'Ilduy, Major Dalgetty, and tell him to charge as he loves Lochaber return and bring our handful of horse to my standard. They shall be placed with the Irish as a reserve." As meets a rock a thousand waves, so Inisfail met Lochlin.

"Truly, my honest friend," said Dalgetty, "if that is your best recommendation to Sir Duncan's favour, I would pretermit my pleading thereupon, in respect I have observed that even the animal creation are incensed against those who intromit with their offspring forcibly, much more any rational and Christian creatures, who have had violence done upon their small family.

When Dalgetty mounted his steed, he found himself attended, or perhaps guarded, by five or six Campbells, well armed, commanded by one, who, from the target at his shoulder, and the short cock's feather in his bonnet, as well as from the state which he took upon himself, claimed the rank of a Dunniewassel, or clansman of superior rank; and indeed, from his dignity of deportment, could not stand in a more distant degree of relationship to Sir Duncan, than that of tenth or twelfth cousin at farthest.

No sooner was he gone, than the heavy toll of the castle-bell summoned its inhabitants together; and was answered by the shrill clamour of the females, mixed with the deeper tones of the men, as, talking Earse at the top of their throats, they hurried from different quarters by a long but narrow gallery, which served as a communication to many rooms, and, among others, to that in which Captain Dalgetty was stationed.

And the picture of Whitefriars, though it is borrowed to a great extent, and rather anticipated in point of time, from Shadwell's Squire of Alsatia, sixty or seventy years after date, is of the finest, whilst Sir Mungo Malagrowther all but deserves the same description. But this most cantankerous knight is not touched off with the completeness of Dalgetty, or even of Claud Halcro.

DUGALD DALGETTY, of Drumthwacket, Late Commander of the whole stift of Dunklespiel on the Lower Rhine. LETTER: From Mr. Lovelace to John Belford, Esq. The following letter must have been omitted from the papers to which Mr. Samuel Richardson, the editor of "Clarissa," had access.

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