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Updated: January 14, 2025
But in this I am speaking of the change when it had come to a full head; for in verity it must be allowed that when the country gentry, with their families, began to intromit among us, we could not make enough of them. Indeed, we were deaved about the affability of old crabbit Bodle of Bodletonbrae, and his sister, Miss Jenny, when they favoured us with their company at the first inspection ball.
"Item where they say that divers and many spiritual persons, not contented with the convenient livings and promotions of the church, daily intromit and exercise themselves in secular offices and rooms, as stewards, receivers, auditors, bailiffs, and other temporal occupations, withdrawing themselves from the good contemplative lives that they have professed, not only to the damage but also to the perilous example of your loving and obedient subjects; to this we your bedesmen answer that beneficed men may lawfully be stewards and receivers to their own bishops, as it evidently appeareth in the laws of the church; and we by the same laws ought to have no other.
HORNING, charge of, a summons to pay a debt, on pain of being pronounced a rebel, to the sound of a horn. HOWE, a hollow. HOULERYING AND POULERYING, hustling and pulling. HURLEY-HOUSE, a brokendown manor house. ILK, same; of that ilk, of the same name or place. ILKA, each, every. INTROMIT, meddle with. KEN, know. KITTLE, tickle, ticklish. KNOBBLER, a male deer in its second year.
Jarvie took the money in silence, and weighing it in his hand for an instant, laid it on the table, and replied, "Rob, I canna tak it I downa intromit with it there can nae gude come o't I hae seen ower weel the day what sort of a gate your gowd is made in ill-got gear ne'er prospered; and, to be plain wi' you, I winna meddle wi't it looks as there might be bluid on't."
The Duke shrugged his shoulders, listening patiently to the interruption. "As you like," said he. "Let us say spy, then. You were to learn what you could of the Pretender's movements, and incidentally you were to intromit with certain of our settled agents at Versailles. Doubtless a sort of espionage was necessary to the same.
Jarvie took the money in silence, and weighing it in his hand for an instant, laid it on the table, and replied, "Rob, I canna tak it I downa intromit with it there can nae gude come o't I hae seen ower weel the day what sort of a gate your gowd is made in ill-got gear ne'er prospered; and, to be plain wi' you, I winna meddle wi't it looks as there might be bluid on't."
But in this I found a great difficulty, arising from the policy and conduct of Mr Andrew M'Lucre, who had a sort of infeftment, as may be said, of the office of dean of guild, having for many years been allowed to intromit and manage the same; by which, as was insinuated by his adversaries, no little grist came to his mill.
"Truly, my honest friend," said Dalgetty, "if that is your best recommendation to Sir Duncan's favour, I would pretermit my pleading thereupon, in respect I have observed that even the animal creation are incensed against those who intromit with their offspring forcibly, much more any rational and Christian creatures, who have had violence done upon their small family.
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