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But Caracalla laughed to himself, and went on cheerfully: "Yes, it is dangerous work, no doubt; and for that reason I pledged my word as Caesar not to require him to pay for the sins of others. On the contrary, he is free, if the posy he culls for me is sufficient." "Ay," said Alexander, on whom his sister's white face and warning looks were having effect.

Ninon's celebrity attained such a summit, and her drawing rooms became so popular among the élite of the French nobility and desirable youth, that sad inroads were made in the entourage of the Court, nothing but the culls of humanity being left for the ladies who patronized the royal functions.

He then expatiates in boundless futurity, and culls from all imaginable conditions that which for the present moment he should most desire, amuses his desires with impossible enjoyments, and confers upon his pride unattainable dominion.

He saw then the abattis of splintered old trunks, of lopped limbs, and entangled branches, piled up like jackstraws to the height of even six or eight feet from the ground; the unsightly mat of sodden old masses of pine needles and cedar fans; the hundreds of young saplings bent double by the weight of débris, broken square off, or twisted out of all chance of becoming straight trees in their age; the long, deep, ruthless furrows where the logs had been dragged through everything that could stand in their way; the few trees left standing, weak specimens, undesirable species, the culls of the forest, further scarred where the cruel steel cables had rasped or bitten them.

But it is not the actual delinquency of which the law takes account that most impresses one; it is rather the weight of failure and mediocrity, the host of "seconds" and "culls" that the city treatment of childhood produces. The constrictions, vicissitudes, and instability of city life often make such havoc of the home that the boy is practically adrift at an early age.

"You must cull a lot, then," Graham ventured. "And you'll see the culls draying on the streets of San Francisco," Dick answered. "Yes, and on the streets of Denver," Mr. Mendenhall amplified, "and of Los Angeles, and why, two years ago, in the horse-famine, we shipped twenty carloads of four-year geldings to Chicago, that averaged seventeen hundred each.

While we were looking them over, Solly divested himself of a fearful, rusty kind of laugh like moving a folding bed with one roller broken. It was his first in two weeks, and it gave me hope. "'Right you are, says I. 'They're a funny lot of post-cards, aren't they? "'Oh, I wasn't thinking of them dudes and culls on the hoof, says he.

There were a few late apples on the trees, but they were poor, woody ones. I do not know whether they were a sample of the crop or just the culls that were not considered worth picking. But we were glad of them, and filled our pockets. The streams which we came to gave us considerable trouble.

But if this be true of rivers, it is much truer of the sea-shores, which abound with such immense variety of fish that the curious fisherman, after he hath made his draught, often culls only the daintiest part and leaves the rest of his prey to perish on the shore.

His glance wandered toward the house, as it had been doing occasionally since the moment of his arrival. "Y'u bet this dance is ace high, Mac. Fancy costumes and masks. Y'u can rent the costumes over to Slauson's for three per. Texas, he's going to call the dances. Music from Gimlet Butte. Y'u want to get it tucked away in your thinker that this dance ain't on the order of culls.