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Very glad to see her." And Agatha who was intending merely to bow, felt her hand buried in another thrice its size, which gave it a shy, gentle, but thoroughly cordial shake. "And really, now I think of it, I was coming to meet you. The Missus told me to do it." "How is 'the Missus?" asked Mr. Harper. "Quite well they're all waiting for you.

His lofty acknowledgment of their bows, his short, reluctant "Good morning," when forced to speak, and his willingness to escape from their presence, contrasted ill with the cordial greetings with which his cousin Edmund had always hailed each Fern Torr person as a friend.

They said they had not paid much attention to the formalities which so greatly relieve the drag and labor of military life even in the field, and they were ready with cordial and appreciative praise of the discipline and finish in drill which they saw. A visit of inspection which I made to Salisbury gave me the opportunity of examining the site of the recent prison camp there.

"Talking play of course!" laughed Barbara, trying to be extra cordial because she had so nearly said a disagreeable thing a minute before.

"Well, well, I'll let you off this time; but next time next time, remember." He raised the glass once more, and let the cordial drain down lazily. He had said, "next time" she noticed that. He seemed very fond of this strong liqueur. She placed the bottle on the table, her own glass beside it. "For a minute, a little minute," she said suddenly, and went quickly into the other room.

Where does the honest face of hospitality expand into a broader and more cordial smile, where is the shy glance of love more sweetly eloquent, than by the winter fireside? and as the hollow blast of wintry wind rushes through the hall, claps the distant door, whistles about the casement, and rumbles down the chimney, what can be more grateful than that feeling of sober and sheltered security with which we look round upon the comfortable chamber and the scene of domestic hilarity?

They gave us a free and cordial welcome and comfortable lodging, and supplied us with all the delicacies of a dry Wanyika season, for there was now a drought in the land, and consequently a famine. So hard were the times for the unfortunate negroes, that they were forced against their wills to support the bulk of their families by the sale of some of its junior members to keep themselves alive.

Without cordial support from any large body of men or party on this side the Atlantic, and too far distant in space and immediate interest to expect much more, after the much already done, on the other side, he stood up, almost alone, to the arduous labor and heavy expenditure of editor and lecturer.

Wycoff!" she exclaimed suddenly, as the rough farmer was seen coming up the hill. Fanny trembled violently, for she feared this man. But Little Wolf, constitutionally brave, in her present state of mind feared nothing, composedly seated herself again upon the rock. The farmer advanced slowly, and recognized Little Wolf with a bow, and reassured Fanny with a cordial "How are you, Fanny?"

Containing the pleasures, paines, and kind entertainment of William Kemp betweene London and that Citty, in his late Morrice. He seems to have encountered more pleasures than 'paines. Gentle and simple, all the way, were very cordial. The gentle entertained him in their mansions by night. The simple danced with him by day.