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'And Dolly says you are a fright, sighed Mysie, condoling with a very awkward-looking puppy which she was nursing. 'She! she thinks everything a fright! said Valetta. 'Except Constance, added Wilfred. 'Who is ugliest of all! politely chimed in Fergus. 'Oh, Japs, she is such a nasty girl Dolly, I mean! cried Valetta. "You know you ought not to say 'nasty," exclaimed Mysie.

But you are here true, I could swear! a touch of a hand tells me. A woman's hand? Well, yes: I read by the touch of a woman's hand: betrays more than her looks or her lips! He sank his voice. 'I don't talk of condoling: if you are in grief, you know I share it. He kissed her hand, and laid it on her lap; eyed it, and met her eyes; took a header into her eyes, and lost himself.

Katherine at once became the center of an admiring and condoling group, whose attitude towards her had undergone a radical change since the brave championship of Miss Felton, who was a power not only in her own class but in the whole school.

'Beauty, Valour, Commerce, and Liberty, condoling with Britannia on the death of Admiral Viscount Nelson, allegorical piece drawn at a very early age after Trafalgar. Mr. Fuseli saw that piece, sir, when I was a student of the Academy, and said to me, 'Young man, stick to the antique. There's nothing like it. Those were 'is very words.

It was not in the forbearance of the children to repress their feelings; even Edmund exclaimed "What a brute!" Ellen involuntarily started up, and hid her face in her mother's lap, while Charles most good-naturedly offered his handkerchief to the aggrieved Zebby, kindly condoling with her on her misfortune. Mr. Harewood now, for the first time, spoke.

Hilary and Ascott, condoling together over the new servant, congratulated themselves that their delight in this occupation had somewhat failed, though it was really not so many years ago since one of the former's pupils, coming suddenly out of the school-room, had caught her in the act of whipping a meditative top round this same kitchen floor.

H." came out last night, and failed. I had many fears; the subject was not substantial enough. John Bull must have solider fare than a letter. We are pretty stout about it; have had plenty of condoling friends; but, after all, we had rather it should have succeeded. You will see the prologue in most of the morning papers. It was received with such shouts as I never witnessed to a prologue.

He then wrote a condoling letter to the Queen-Mother, and set off to be present at the coronation in London.

And as time went on, it became clearer to the two young men that Rukn-ud-din was right. True, the garrison of Agpur made great capital of the escape across the flooded river, and were continually condoling with the besiegers on the slowness of their horses, or prophesying great results from Sher Singh's personal influence in raising up sympathisers in the north.

As they were now likely to be involved in one common calamity, by the ruin of the prince whose party they had espoused; Caled's enmity subsided, and the indifference of Osmyn was warmed into kindness: mutual distress produced mutual confidence; and Caled, after condoling with Osmyn on their present hopeless situation, proposed that they should draw off their forces, and revolt to HAMET. This proposition Osmyn rejected, not only from principle, but from interest: 'Now we have accepted of a trust, said he, 'we ought not to betray it.