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Updated: August 11, 2024

Course, I knew that some of these fancy, full-grown specimens of classy breeds brought big money at times. But little pups like this, that you could hold in your hand, or tuck into your overcoat pocket why, my idea was the people who had 'em sort of distributed 'em around where they would have good homes; or else in the case of a party like Joe you might slip him a five or a ten.

"What made a hit with me," commented Lawrence, "was that classy bit of dodging when he went down the field for sixty yards toward the end of the game. At least six of them tried to stop him, but he slipped by them like a ghost. And yet he ran almost in a straight line. All the dodging was done by the swaying of his hips and shoulders.

But the petulance grew upon her, nor would she be gainsaid. "I wanna big brown grizzly a great big brown one with a grin." "Aw, Doll, look at this little white one a classy little white one. Look at his nose, cutie, made out of a button. Look, ain't that some nose! Look, ain't " "A big brown one that I can dance with, Jimmie. I wanna dance. Gee! who could dance with a little dinky devil like that!

"If you can make another fifty miles in it I shall almost believe in miracles," says she. "And in me too, I trust," says Barry. "Hearest thou, Adelbaran? Then on, on, pride of the desert! The women are singing in the tents and and all that sort of thing. Ho, ho! for the roaring road!" He's some classy little driver, Barry.

Bill Briscombe, he says, 'and I'll bet he'll give you a two spot if you take it to him. So I goes along to Briscombe's bank, and the place is shut up tighter'n a drum. Say, but them bankers has the classy hours. And Briscombe lives about a mile north of the city limits, so I guess I'll have to take the dog up there to-night." "Well, where are you going to put him in the meantime?"

I has to tell the 'phone girl who I am and why, and get an upstairs O. K., before I'm passed on to the elevator. Also my ring at B suite, third floor, is answered by a perfectly good valet. "From Mr. Ellins, sir?" says he, openin' the door a crack. "Straight," says I. He swings it wide and bows respectful. A classy party, this man of Mr. Adams', too. Nothing down-and-out about him.

Swooping, climbing, diving, the planes pursued their deadly purpose, while exclamations of admiration came from the lips of the fascinated onlookers as some specially daring manoeuvre promised to give the advantage first to one and then to the other of the antagonists. "Classy work!" exclaimed Frank. "They're both dandies," declared Billy. "It's a toss up as to which will win."

He wiped the mud from his face and grinned happily while his mates gathered round him and billows of cheers swept down from the Blue stands, frantic with delight at the brilliant run. "Splendid, old boy!" cried Bert, slapping Tom on the back. "That was classy stuff. You went down the line like a shot from a gun." "It saved the goal line all right," panted Dick. "Jove! They were close.

Tom's trunks were strained to the bursting point and Steve's were inches too large for him. Only Marvin had fared well, being dressed in what he called "a real classy two-piece suit." The two pieces didn't match in either colour or material, but they nearly fitted and, unlike Hatherton Williams' regalia, were innocent of holes.

"But say! the make-believe adventures that fellow had, weren't anything compared to those we went through in the city of gold, or while rescuing the exiles of Siberia." "Well," remarked Ned, "they would have to be pretty classy adventures to lay over those you and I have had lately. But where are you going?" he continued, for Tom had taken his cap and started for the door.

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