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To this state of mind he had been brought one day in the second week of June. The morning after, Bennet found him "sore altered." It was "against his duty towards God and the world to tolerate them." The imperialist cardinals, impatient before, clamoured that the evil had been caused by the dilatory timidity with which the case had been handled from the first.

For the most part that shouting mass consisted of shapeless swarms, but here and there Graham could see that a rude discipline struggled to establish itself. And every voice clamoured for order in the chaos. "To your Wards! Every man to his Ward!"

The little girls were dragging a rough, dark object out of a corner of the passage into the light of the kitchen door. "It's a beauty!" exclaimed Millicent. "Yes, it is," said Marjory. "I should think so," he replied, striding over the dark bough. He went to the back kitchen to take off his coat. "Set it now, Father. Set it now," clamoured the girls. "You might as well.

They clamoured to be allowed to help in any capacity, and she had to assume an indignation and a severity she was far from feeling to drive them away. "Oh, do go away, please," she said. "You are only in the way. How can I look after tiffin if you interfere with me like this? Now do be good boys and go off. There's Mrs. Rice arriving. Help her out of her trap."

Behind him wavered a long, deep-gouged furrow-trail, pitiful attest of suffering. His strength was water, but he was home. After a long time he reached the door, and rested. The incident was cruel, but it was only one of many in a cruel way of life. The twilight was coming down with thronging mysterious voices. Among them clamoured fiercely the voice of the cold.

True, there was a small element almost entirely made up of immigrants from across the border who held republican theories, but no class of the community clamoured more loudly for Responsible Government than did the advocates of republicanism, very few of whom regarded their opinions as coming within the domain of practical politics in Upper Canada.

I forgot you were driving." "You mustn't rely on me to stop you now," he insisted, with new gravity. "Oh, yes, I do. It's always you if I stop in time; either you actually, or thinking of you. Don't talk about it, Christopher dear, it was too horrible." She did not explain if she meant the danger or the cause, but he obeyed and said no more. A terrible fear clamoured at his heart.

"This meeting bodes luck," said Cuddie; "and they hae walth o' beef, that's ae thing certain, for here's a raw hide that has been about the hurdies o' a stot not half an hour syne it's warm yet." Encouraged by these appearances, they returned again to the house, and, announcing themselves as men in the same predicament with the inmates, clamoured loudly for admittance.

He spake, and holding a brimming goblet in both hands drank off the unmixed sweet wine; and his lips and dark cheeks were drenched with it; and all the heroes clamoured together and Idmon spoke out openly: "Vain wretch, thou art devising destruction for thyself before the time.

Again they all clamoured for proof and The Bear answered: "But first I must find where he landed, and the quickest way to find that place is to remember that the wind was blowing too strong for him to land on the north shore, and that the running swells were too strong for him to land on either the east or west sides, therefore he landed on the south side the sheltered side.