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Updated: August 12, 2024

I suppose, Scrooge, that in your busy life, first scraping money together and then dispensing it in your joyous Christmasy way, you have not had much time for general reading or even for listening to sermons?" "I have always attended Divine Service since my conversion," answered Scrooge, piously; "as for listening "

Then, before long, the doctor was there too, and her finger was all tied up with sticks on each side and father hurried in the front door and asked her how she'd like a nice, long, Christmasy stick of candy. It all happened just that quick. "I think things is so funny," said Mary Jane later as she luxuriously licked her candy.

Cautiously her hand was laid on a box wrapped in white tissue-paper and tied with red ribbons. "I'll hate to open it and see, it looks so lovely and Christmasy, but if I don't see soon I'll die from wanting to know. It rattled a little when I put it on the table. It's Miss Frances's present, and I know it isn't practical. She's like I am. She don't think Christmas is for plain and useful things.

He took what I gave him; and when I gave him more than he expected, he was all the happier, and so was I. That's what made it all seem so nice and Christmasy. We were not thinking about rights and duties; it was all free grace." "Now, Scrooge, you are getting at the point. There is no concealing the fact that the Spirit of Democracy makes himself unpleasant sometimes.

Oh, I know you stand up for everything Mary does, Joe Langshaw; but she is the hardest child to manage!" Her tone insensibly conveyed a pride in the difficulty of dealing with her elder daughter, aged six. "But did you ever see anything like Baby? She can keep a secret as well as any one! It does look Christmasy, though doesn't it?

Oh, the children. I've told Harkness to put a table in the conservatory and make it Christmasy." "You're clever, Robin. Harkness will do it for you but, oh, he'll hate it; I can hear him 'things aren't like they used to be. As my father'd say-you're killing the goose that lays the golden egg, all righto. Budge will tell Madame, sure's anything."

For to Roger there had never been a wind so Christmasy, or a fire so bright and warm, and his solemn black eyes glowed! Never a wealth of holly and barberry and alder-berries so crimson as that which rimmed the snug old house in Christmas flame! Never such evergreen wreaths, for, tucked up here in this very chair by Aunt Ellen, he had made them all himself of boughs from the evergreen forest!

With everyone, now, watching the weather in anxious dread of a snowstorm, it occurred to her that such a storm would shut the little house near the Rushing Water off from the world. "Beryl, let's go and see our Dowager! It may be the last time we can until Spring. I'd like to take her something, too. Something Christmasy.

But after Robin and Harkness had worked for a half-hour she admitted the effect was very Christmasy and "different." "You're awfully clever, Robin," she declared, in a tone frankly grudging. "You make little things count for so much like mother." "I think that's a compliment.

And one had but to glance at the faces of old Asher and Annie in the kitchen doorway, at Aunt Ellen, hovering near her Christmas brood with the look of all mothers in her kind, brown eyes, and then at Roger, scarlet with enthusiasm, to know that the Doctor had been the victim of benevolent conspiracy. "It's a s'prise!" shrieked Roger, "a Christmasy s'prise!

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