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Ramos whistled piercingly, with two fingers. The huge Kuzak twins, Art and Joe both had football scholarships at Tech gave Indian yells. Eileen Sands clasped her hands over her head and went up on her toes like the ballet dancer she had once meant to be. Old Paul, in his chair, chortled, and slapped his arm. Even little David Lester said "Bravo!" after he had gulped.

Her sweet and complacent voice was so cheerful that he lost his awe of her new magic and chortled: "And how we used to play pum-pum-pull-away." She delicately leaned her cheek on a finger-tip and sighed: "Yes, I wonder if we shall ever be so happy as when we were young.... I don't believe you care to play with me so much now." "Oh, gee! Gertie! Like to !" The shyness was on him again.

As he and McGuffey busied themselves, laying the leading blocks along the deck, they glanced toward the Maggie and observed Captain Scraggs hurling crates of vegetables overboard in an effort to get at the small boat quickly. "He'll die when the freight claims come in," Mr. McGuffey chortled. "Poor ol' Scraggsy!" "How're we goin' to git that durned anchor up, Gib?" "We ain't goin' to get it up.

The construction was roughly cubical, and the hood covered only five sides. What about the sixth, the base? "Now you're thinking, Jason," he chortled to himself, and knelt down to examine it. A wide flange, apparently of cast iron, projected all around, and was penetrated by four large bolt holes.

"'Z got me all shuck up. Whar's that 'r bottle?" "'Z goin' t' eat a bumb ol' fool burro!" Hank chortled weakly, feeling tenderly certain nicks on his cheeks where gravel had landed. "Paw, you ol' fool, you, don't hawg the hull thing gimme a drink!" "Casey's sure all right," came Joe's official O.K. of the performance. "Casey said 'e c'd do it 'n' Casey done it!"

De Peyster. "Yes. Give you, both of you, what money you need." "And and when Mrs. De Peyster comes back?" Young Mr. Pyecroft chortled with delight. "Say, this scheme's the best ever! The day we learn Mrs.

In a sudden access of fierceness, as though in an ecstasy over some fresh horror just received, it shrieked and chortled. And then, as suddenly as it had broken forth, it sank to silence, and from the end of the carriage drive again rose, undisturbed, the music of the band. The musicians were playing to a select audience.

Briefly, we've all but completely united Texcoco. Minor setbacks have sometimes deterred us but the march of progress goes on. We " "Minor setbacks," Kennedy chortled. "Must of had to bump off five million of the poor slobs before that commune revolt was finished with." Watson said coldly, "We always have a few reactionaries, religious fanatics, misfits, crackpots, malcontents to deal with.

All sprinkled with snow and ruddy-cheeked and mischievous-eyed, he grinned at her as he emptied his basket on the kitchen table. "Well," he bantered, "did you pray for my sins last night?" "You shouldn't make fun of things like that," she said rebukingly. Arthur chortled. "Gee, Missy, but you're sure a scream when you get pious!"

"I doubt that, too." "The doubtful dromedary wept, As o'er the desert sands he stept, Association with the sphinx Has made him doubtful, so he thinks!" chortled the Knight with his head on one side. "How did you know?" asked the Dromedary, opening his eyes wide. "It just occurred to me," admitted Sir Hokus, clearing his throat modestly. "I doubt that.