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And he held up a foot so that Chirpy Cricket might see it. Chirpy noticed that there were webs between Mr. Cricket Frog's toes. And everybody knows that webbed feet are the best for swimming. Mr. Cricket Frog wanted to be agreeable. "Would you like to see me swim?" he asked. "Yes, thank you!" Chirpy replied. So Mr.

"Don't you think that perhaps you are mistaken? I'm almost certain you are." "No!" said Mr. Mole Cricket. "I can't be wrong. Why do you ask me such a question?" "Your forefeet" Chirpy told him "your forefeet are so big! I've always understood that all our family had small ones." Mr. Mole Cricket smiled. "Don't let the size of my feet trouble you!" he replied.

Kiddie had explained to him how Mr. Nighthawk caught his meals on the wing. "You'll have to excuse me," Chirpy told Mr. Nighthawk. "I'd rather not do any jumping for you. That wasn't why I wanted to meet you." "Ha!" said Mr. Nighthawk. "Then why pray did you wish to see me?" "I thought" Chirpy Cricket replied "I thought that perhaps you'd like me to help you with your music.

Anyhow, he hastened to explain that a vegetarian was one that ate only food that grew on plants of one kind or another. "I live for the most part on seeds and grain," he said. "So you see I'm quite harmless." Chirpy Cricket told him that he was glad to know it. "I'm a vegetarian myself," he added proudly, "for I eat blades of grass. And you see I'm harmless too." Mr.

Several times Chirpy Cricket leaped into the air, hoping that Tommy Tree Cricket would see that he had something important to say. But Tommy paid not the slightest heed to him. At last Chirpy decided that he might as well do a little fiddling himself, to pass the time away. So he began his cr-r-r-i! cr-r-r-i! cr-r-r-i! And then Tommy noticed him immediately.

It was while they were hungrily munching the dry bread and cheese that another car came upon them and with it another swift change in their changing life. Two young women stepped out of the chirpy Ford sedan. Neither of them looked like Her, nor even Her No. II yet Jimmie whispered excitedly to Rose-Ellen, "I bet you a nickel they're Christian Centerers!" And they were.

You'd think she's have a grouch being the way she is, but, honest, Lucien, she's enough to make all the grouchers get a hunch to throw themselves off the earth, she's that chirpy. Laugh! she's got a laugh 'ud chase the blues outer anybody; but she's mighty sad too, sometimes, when she thinks no one ain't watchin' her.

And Chirpy Cricket reminded them that the summer would be gone almost before anybody knew it. He said that when he wanted to play a tune he didn't intend to waste any valuable time hunting for his fiddle. Now, all that was true enough. But it was just as true that he couldn't have left his fiddle at home anyhow. Chirpy made his music with his two wings.

"I must hurry if I'm to finish my summer's fiddling." Now, Chirpy had dozens and dozens of relations living in holes of their own, in the farmyard or the fields. And the gentlemen were all musical. Like him, they were fiddlers. Somehow fiddling ran in their family. So on warm nights, during the last half of the summer, there was sure to be a Crickets' concert.

I was as happy as a cricket whilst they were by, though, to speak truth, I wasn't naturally so chirpy as they were; I took after father more, who was a kind of a despondin' man, down-hearted, never thinkin' things could turn out right, or that he was goin' to have any luck.