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Updated: August 15, 2024

You're dripping like a Newfoundland;" said Captain Rumway, as Chillis put down his empty glass, and turned toward the door, which he had entered not five minutes before. This thoughtfulness for his comfort, however, only meant, "Stay till you've taken another drink, and then maybe you will tell us a story;" and Chillis knew the bait well enough to decline it. "Thankee, Captain.

"O, mamma, mamma!" shouted Willie, from the street. "Here we are, and I've had such a splendid time. We've got some fish for you, too. Are you coming right home?" And there, on the sidewalk, was Chillis, carrying a basket, with his hat stuck full of flowers, and as regardless as a child of the drollery of his appearance. Mrs.

Smiley wrote as follows: "DEAR MR. CHILLIS: I shall move into the new house about the last of October, according to your advice. We that is, myself, and Willie, and the present owner of the house shall be delighted if you will come and stay with us. But if you decide to remain with your son, believe that we think of you very often and very affectionately, and wish you every possible happiness.

Joe Chillis was not a man whose personal appearance so far as clothes went nor whose reputation, would commend him to women generally the one being shabby and careless, the other smacking of recklessness and whisky. Not that any great harm was known of the man; but that he was out of the pale of polite society even in this new and isolated corner of the earth.

"I've been a-thinkin'," replied Chillis, "that the house, arter all, ain't goin' to be much protection, with the water splashin' under foot, an' the wind an' rain drivin' in on that side where the chimney is took away. It's an awful pity such a neat, nice little place should come to grief, like this a real snug little home!"

Is the water up so high, then, already?" her cheeks paling as she spoke. "I dragged it up a little way," returned Chillis, slowly, and turning his face back to the fire. He was listening attentively, and thought he caught the sound of lapping water. "Have you just come from Astoria?" asked Mrs. Smiley, approaching, and standing at one corner of the hearth.

At last Chillis re-appeared, and took a seat in one of them, quite in the usual way. He had been away, he said, attending to some business. "An' I have fixed that matter all right about the boy's schoolin'," he added. "The papers are made out in the clerk's office, an' will be sent to you as soon as they are recorded.

Here was her opportunity. "The evening has seemed very long," she said, "but it is nine o'clock, at last." Chillis got up, went to the door, and opened it. The boat was bumping against the floor of the tiny portico. She saw it, too, and her heart gave a great bound. Chillis came back, and sat down by the fire, looking very grave and preoccupied. With a little shiver, she sat down opposite.

Glancing into his face, she noticed its pallor; and then remembered what he had said about being capsized in the bay, and that he was an old man; and then, that he might not have had any supper. All of which inspired her to say, "I beg pardon, Mr. Chillis. I presume you have eaten nothing this evening. I shall get you something, right away a cup of hot coffee, for instance."

You are out of spirits this evening, and you talk just a little nonsense." And she smiled at him in a sweetly apologetic fashion for the word. "That is like enough," he returned gravely; "but I want you to remember my words, foolish or not. Don't let me stand in your light not for one minute; and don't forgit this: that Joe Chillis is happy when he sees the White Rose bloomin' and bright."

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