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The darkness had given way to a cold, grey dawn, her uncovered legs were chilled to the bone, and by her side she heard again the regular, nasal breathing of the drunkard. For a long while she lay where she was, feeling very sick and ill, but better than in the night. At last her mother woke. 'Liza! she called. 'Yus, mother, she answered feebly. 'Git us a cup of tea, will yer?

Your heart will soon have become chilled and sick and depressed. Grief will soon have sucked away its life; grief will soon have rent it in twain! Yes, you will die where you be, and be laid to rest in the cold, moist earth where there is no one to bewail you. Monsieur Bwikov will only be hunting hares! . . . Ah, my darling, my darling! WHY did you come to this decision?

Thus by this babe, God was in his love leading the chilled heart of that poor, desolate boy, back to himself to hope to heaven. It was impossible that the dew of mercy should thus, day by day and hour by hour, distil upon a spirit indurated by man's cruelties, without softening it.

Then her family's supplications, the statement that her sister's marriage and even her father's position were in danger, led her to say that she would give up Lassalle. It mattered very little, in one way, for whatever he might have done, Lassalle had killed, or at least had chilled, her love.

A cold silence fell on them, as if they had been suddenly chilled by the frigid attitude of the detective. "Coroner, the alibis which Mr. Luckstone presented are worthless," the detective said in a subdued voice that nevertheless penetrated his hearers like an icy wind. "You mean they are manufactured?" blurted the coroner. "No they are true. But they have no bearing on the murder." "What!"

"Had she ever talked such stuff and nonsense, I would have long ago become chilled towards her." "What you say is all trash!" Hsi Jen and Hsiang-yuen remarked with one voice, while they shook their heads to and fro and smiled.

Preacher and pagan stood together by the hearth, and saw perish the Gospel of Fear of gloomy asceticism which for so many centuries, in dim, damp cloisters and stony cells has chilled the heart and quenched the spirit.

I myself was one of the last visitors to that awful storehouse of thy life's work, where an anchorite old man and woman took my shilling with a solemn wonder, and conducting me to a gloomy sepulchre of needlework dropping to pieces with dust and age and shrouded in twilight at high noon, left me there, chilled, frightened, and alone.

In this impenetrable obscurity we divined huge masses of rock almost above our heads, and were conscious of, on our left, a roaring torrent, the water of which formed a cascade we could not see. During two hours we waded in the mud and the icy rain had chilled my very marrow, when we perceived in the distance a little fire, the sight of which revived our energies.

We all had good reason to join in the aspiration; for our vigil was a long and bitter one. Slowly the shadows darkened over the long, sombre face of the old house. A cold, damp reek from the moat chilled us to the bones and set our teeth chattering. There was a single lamp over the gateway and a steady globe of light in the fatal study. Everything else was dark and still.