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Updated: August 17, 2024

Inspector's assistant attaching a "Retained" tag to carcass marked by inspector on the heading bench. Carcasses so marked are left intact until they reach the retaining-room. Upheaval of sidewalk at Eighteenth and Capp Streets. Early in the morning of April 18, 1906, San Francisco was visited by one of the most dreadful disasters of modern times.

The English carles danced, not indeed around an altar, but around a bunt pole crowned with such flowers as were in season; and one of them, like the youth who in the Dionysiac dance masqueraded as the god, was decked out duly as Robin Hood 'with a magpye's plume to hys capp, we are told, and sometimes 'a russat bearde compos'd of horses hair. The most famous of the dances for Robin Hood was the 'pageant. Herein appeared, besides the hero himself and various tabours and pipers, a 'dysard' or fool, and Friar Tuck, and Maid Marian 'in a white kyrtele and her hair all unbrayded, but with blossoms thereyn. This 'pageant' was performed at Whitsun, at Easter, on New-Year's day, and on May-day.

"I shall stick by my Bureau until we lick him. I haven't the slightest desire to desert my Chief. When I thought it was I they were after, I felt differently." "Thanks, Mr. Cheney! Will you give me the name of the reporter of whom you were speaking." "James C. Capp. He's not a bad chap, I think." Enoch nodded and Cheney took his departure.

Please don't acknolledge this in answering; as there's no good in bothering women with accounts and with the extra 5 pounds by a capp or what she likes for my dear sister, and a toy for my nephew from Uncle Hal."

'The first day of the Ryding in Parliament betwix the Erles and the Lords raid the Bischopes, all in silk and velvet fuit-mantelles, by paires, tuo and tuo, and Saint Androis, the great Metropolitanne, alone by him selff, and are of the Ministeres of no small quantitie, named Arthur Futhey, with his capp at his knie, walkit at his stirrope alongst the streit.

After placing Rita under her kind care in the rescue home, then situated on Capp Street near Twenty-first Street, in San Francisco, I returned to my post of duty in Sacramento, little dreaming at that time what an important place I was destined, in the future, to occupy with Sister Kauffman. Rita, with the approval of her guardians, married a Christian young man.

The manners of the times do not excuse language of this kind, for there was probably not another member of the Senate who indulged in it. If Cicero was disliked and despised, he had his own tongue to thank for it. To Atticus, iv. 2. To Atticus, iv. 3. For the details of this story see Dion Cassius, lib. xxxix. capp. 12-16. Compare Cicero ad Familiares, lib. i. Epist. 1-2.

"He's prowling round on the river, running up an expense account twenty-three hours and making up lies on the twenty-fourth. Capp told Mr. Cheney that this reporter, whose name is Ames, I believe, was to write nothing until his return to New York. Mr. Secretary, can't something be done to shut him off?" "Yes," replied Enoch, sternly.

What say you, Companion? ha, do you compare your Mrs with myne? howes that? such another word and thou darst, Sirrah! off with your Capp and doe her Reverence! wilt tell me soe? goe to, I say and I sayt; Ile make better languadge come out of that mouth of thine, thou wicked Carkasse.

Cum Caesar in Galliam venit, alterius factionis principes erant Haedui, alterius Sequani." De Bello Gallico, lib. vi. capp. 11, 12. Even Dion Cassius speaks of the Germans as Keltoi. "Id se ab ipsis per eorum nuntios compertum habere, quorum omnium gratiam atque amicitiam ejus morte redimere posset." De Bell. Gall., i. 44.

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