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"Refert Alexander Philosophus de natura rerum, quod Vergilius in civitate Romana nobile construxit palatium, in cuius medio palatii stabat imago, quae Dea Romana vocabatur. Tenebat enim pomum aureum in manu sua. Per circulum palatii erant imagines cuiuslibet regionis, quae subiectae erant Romano imperio, et quaelibet imago campanam ligneam in manu sua habebat.

Licet communius a vulgo dicatur quod sylvestres Scoti erant victi, ab annalibus tamen oppositum invenio: solum Insularum comes coactus est retrocedere, et plures occisos habuit quam Scoti domiti...." Bk. vi, ch. x.

According to his means. So Ann. 4, 23: fortunae inops. Defecere, sc. epulae. Quam exhausta sint, quae apparata erant, cf. 24: omnia defecerunt. Hospes. Properly stranger; and hence either guest or host. Here the latter. Comes. Guest. So Guen. and the common editions.

The present was not brought as a bribe, since the incident took place after the war. Curius had become patronus of the Samnites, and they were bringing the customary offering of clientes; see Rep. 3, 40. NE: here = num, a rare use; so Fin. 3, 44; Acad. 2, 116. SED VENIO AD: so in 51 venio nunc ad. IN AGRIS ERANT: 'lived on their farms'. For erant cf. n. on 21 sunt.

Again, quæ erant omnibus sortita is very difficult. Cicero nowhere else, I believe, uses the passive sortitus. But, passing that, what are the consilia meant? The tense and mood shew, I think, that the words are explanatory by the writer, not part of the decree.

Cum Caesar in Galliam venit, alterius factionis principes erant Haedui, alterius Sequani." De Bello Gallico, lib. vi. capp. 11, 12. Even Dion Cassius speaks of the Germans as Keltoi. "Id se ab ipsis per eorum nuntios compertum habere, quorum omnium gratiam atque amicitiam ejus morte redimere posset." De Bell. Gall., i. 44.

Erant non in bibliotheca libri illi, ut eorum dignitas postulabat, sed in teterrimo quodam et obscuro carcere, fundo scilicet unius turris."

Aidanus, Finan, Colmannus miræ sanctitatis fuerunt et parsimoniæ.... Adeo autem sacerdotes erant illius temporis ab avaritia immunes, ut nec territoria nisi coacti acciperent. Hen. Huntingd. Lib. III. p. 333. Bed. Hist. Eccl. Lib. III c. 26. Icolmkill, or Iona.

Only once did her voice falter, and then she commanded it again immediately; and that, as she read "Erant autem et mulieres de longe aspicientes." "There were also women looking on afar off."

Rit. says: quae adhuc pectore clausa erant. Others still make it==etiam, even. Cf. note, 19. Retractatur. Reviewed, reconsidered. Salva ratio est. The proper relation of both times is preserved, or the advantage of both is secured, as more fully explained in the next member, viz. by discussing when they are incapable of disguise, and deciding, when they are not liable to mistake. Cf.

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