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"That's the best way, I should think," agreed Giraffe, who knew from experience how hard it sometimes proved to drag the details of a story from Bumpus. "Oh! I ain't meaning to string it out everlastingly!" declared the other. "I'm going to be right to the point, see if I don't.

"And this is Comrade Sanders. Sanders is easier to say than Czernowitz. Here is the young lady I told you about, who wishes to help us Miss Bumpus." Mr. Sanders stopped counting his money long enough to grin at her. "You will be welcome," he said, in good English. "Stenographers are scarce here. When can you come?" "To-morrow morning," answered Janet. "Good," he said. "I'll have a machine for you.

"Then it's all up with him!" said Bumpus; "and the pirate will meet his doom, as I once hear'd a feller say in a play though I little thought to see it acted in reality." "So he will," added Dick Price. Corrie's countenance fell, and Alice grew pale. Even Poopy and Toozle looked a little depressed. "No, it is not all up with him," cried Henry Stuart, energetically.

"First of all, it's only right we should give a hail; and if Bumpus is wandering around somewhere he may answer us; and then we can wait for him to come in. I see he's left his bugle with his blanket here; pick it up somebody and give the recall, if anybody knows how."

"Bah! never count your chicken's till they're hatched!" scoffed the other, as he saw the fat scout suddenly pause, as though there had come a sickening slackening of the line. "Imagination is a great thing, mebbe; but next time be sure of your game before you whoop it up so." "But he's there yet, I tell you!" ejaculated Bumpus, again becoming active.

I was so near hanged, just a day or two back, that I've had an 'orrible pain in my neck ever since at the bare thought of it! But who's your friend?" said Bumpus, turning to the boatswain. "Oh! I forgot him he's the boatswain of the Talisman. Dick Price, this is my friend, John Bumpus." "Glad to know you, Dick Price." "Same to you, and luck, John Bumpus."

So they all bustled out of the door, where they found the scout-master on duty; and all at once it struck the other fellows how smart Thad had been in holding back at the time the rush was made to free Bumpus.

While this scene was enacting, and ere Jo Bumpus had effectually wiped away the tears from his eyes, and cleared the bacon out of his windpipe, the door opened, and the commander of H.M.S. Talisman entered.

Her heart was throbbing with the looms, and yet she stood motionless, until he turned and came rapidly down the slope of the arch and stopped in front of her. Under the arc lamp it was almost as bright as day. "Miss Bumpus!" he exclaimed. "Mr. Ditmar" she said. "Were you were you coming to the office?" "I was just out walking," she told him. "I thought you were in Boston."

It turned out, however, that there was no need of this. The two boys in the motorboat knew how to manage, and brought the little vessel in close enough so that even clumsy Bumpus was able to clamber aboard, after handing up his possessions.