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He spoke in a low voice: "I breeng good word from Jean Croisset, M'sieur. Heem say Soomin Renault good man lak Pierre Langlois, an' he fight lak devil when ask. I breeng Indian an' two team. We be in forest near dog watekan, where Pierre mak his fire an' tepee. You understand? Aha?" "Yes I understand," whispered Philip, "And Jean has gone on to see others?"

Luis glanced up at her apologetically, caught something of menace in that unwinking, glittering stare, and began hastily searching here and there for some sign that would enlighten him further. "She's here when I go, Ramon," he explained deprecatingly. "I don' un'stan', me. She's tell me go breeng yoh thees place. She's say I mus' huree w'ile dark she's las'. I'm sure s'prised, me!"

"'Dot's all ride, said he, 'but I can't get avay. I must stay hier. Ven cost'mers com in, somebody must be hier to vait on 'em. "'That's all right, said I, 'but all your clerks are idle now. There isn't a customer in the store. Things are quiet just now. Suppose you come on down with me. "'No, I can't do dot, said the old man. 'I'd like to but I can't. Von't you breeng op a leedle stoff?

Now I don't talk till yoh be good girl, and says yoh lov' Ramon. I don't let yoh go, neither. Yoh don't get far way I promise yoh for true. I breeng yoh back, sweetheart, I promise I breeng yoh back I Yoh don't want to go no more w'en I'm through weeth yoh I promise yoh! Yoh theenk I let yoh go? O-oh-h, no! Ramon not let yoh get far away!"

At the entrance of it the count stepped out of the car; and the archduke gave him his final instructions with the air of a Roman father; he was to bring the princess in any fashion, but he was to bring her at once. In a last generous outburst he cried: "Pooll 'er by the ear! Bud breeng 'er." The count said that he would, and entered the path with a resolute and martial air.

"Your red-headed chap is a good man at the helm," said Riggs to me. "He's got the wheel now, and, with the other two, I'll have good quartermasters. The chinkies are poor steerers." "Meester Trenholm ees breeng a sailor, too?" demanded Trego, turning his black eyes on me in a manner that I could not understand. "He brought my baggage aboard," said I, somewhat annoyed.

You shall 'eem lead to ze wood. 'E shall breeng 'er." Miss Lambart protested that to wander in the Deeping woods with a German count would hardly be proper. "Brobare? What ees 'brobare'?" said the archduke. "Convenable," said Miss Lambart.

Kellyan paused. "I can't cover your bet, Pedro, but I'll kill your Bear for what's in the bottle." "I take you," said the sheep-herder, "eef you breeng back dose sheep dat are now starving up on de rocks of de canon of Baxstaire's." The Mexican's eyes twinkled as the white man closed on the offer.

"Sh-sh yoh not spik dat name," he whispered. "Luis Rojas me. I come for breeng yoh. No can come, yoh man. No spik name som'bodys maybe hears." Annie-Many-Ponies rose and stood peering at him through the dark. "What's wrong?" she asked abruptly, borrowing the curt phrase from Luck Lindsay. "Why I not speak name? Why some body ?" she laid ironical stress upon the word "not come?

An' I will breeng odder good fightin' mans for you to w'ip all w'at Concombre Bateese has w'ipped ten, dozen, forty an' you w'ip se gran' bunch, m'sieu. Eh, shall we mak' ze bargain?" "You are planning a pleasant time for me, Bateese," said Carrigan, "but I am afraid it will be impossible. You see, this captain of yours, Black Roger Audemard " "W'at!" Bateese jumped as if stung.