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Updated: August 12, 2024

Jack, who did not understand this, fared badly, and it was not till the calls piped belay that he could recover his legs, after having been trampled upon by half the starboard watch, and the breath completely jammed out of his body, Jack reeled to a carronade slide, when the officers who had been laughing at the lark as well as the men, perceived his situation among others, Mr Sawbridge, the first lieutenant.

"Belay there, you boys," he shouted down the hatchway. "Ye're to return on deck!"

Grown old, Tobias, eh? Sitting in a corner and mumbling over litanies." And it has always been like that since he came to Grand Avenue ten years ago. It has always turned out that Tobias takes off his white shirt and puts on his sailor's black sweater and fastens on his old wooden leg and follows the one on the window sill. Avast and belay! The night is still young and a sailor man's abroad.

Yes, there could be no doubt it was he, and pretty flushed with drink, too, by his appearance. "'Incandescent light in a West Indiaman! I muttered; for not otherwise could I account for the sudden illumination. 'What the deuce! "'Belay that! he growled. He seemed to observe me for the first time. "'A handsome manner of boarding a craft you've got, sir, said he, glooming at me.

"LET GO AND HAUL!" 'Tis the last command, And the head-sails fill to the blast once more; Astern and to leeward lies the land, With its breakers white on the shingly shore. What matters the reef, or the rain, or the squall? I steady the helm for the open sea; The first mate clamors, "BELAY THERE, ALL!" And the captain's breath once more comes free.

The young man took the helm, felt to see if the vessel answered the rudder promptly and seeing that, without being a first-rate sailer, she yet was tolerably obedient, "To the sheets," said he. The four seamen, who composed the crew, obeyed, while the pilot looked on. "Haul taut." They obeyed. "Belay."

As soon as the prisoner was cast loose, he commanded to pipe down, or in other words, to dismiss the people to their usual occupations, when I went up to him, and touched my hat. "Oh! you are come, are you? Pipe, belay there send every body aft on the quarter-deck." My commission was then read: all hats off in respect to the sovereign, from whom the authority was derived.

She was a mighty well-preserved woman artificial preservatives, I cal'late, like some kinds of tomatter ketchup and her comin' stirred Orham way down to the burnt places on the bottom of the kettle." "I guess I remember HER, too," put in Captain Bailey. "Say!" queried Mr. Wingate snappishly, "do you want to tell about her? If you do, why " "Belay, both of you!" ordered the depot master.

"Le Polisson, of Brest sixteen light guns, and about a hundred men." "Do you know anything of the ships to windward?" "Nothing, at all; but I suppose them to be French." "Pray, sir, why do you sup um um ook ook " The distance prevented my hearing more. Away went the sloop, steadying her bow-lines; the call piping belay, as each sail was trimmed to the officer of the deck's fancy.

But here the long man with the yellow eyes struck in. "Belay that talk, John Silver," he said. "This crew has tipped you the black spot in full council, as in dooty bound; just you turn it over, as in dooty bound, and see what's wrote there. Then you can talk." "Thanky, George," replied the sea-cook. "You always was brisk for business, and has the rules by heart, George, as I'm pleased to see.

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