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Updated: August 2, 2024

He trembled and paled and gave me a lot of information that I afterward proved to be correct. Here's a good story of Pat, my old batman, who had been a shearer's cook in Australia, and looked after me like a father. He was really too old for the trenches, but this job just suited him. I was very surprised one day to see him with a German prisoner.

It was not one o'clock. Janet pondered what to do. "You wanted to see him?" said Mrs. Fergusson, full of sympathy. "I brought a letter for him. If I leave it, will he be sure to get it directly he returns?" "His servant's in the hut. Let's talk to him." Mrs. Fergusson rapped at the door of the hut, and walked in. An elderly batman appeared.

Who should come in to see us, a few minutes later, but Major Brighten, who, being on 'battle reserve, was down at the Transport! He expressed surprise when he saw me, and asked me to tell him all about it. He would insist on carrying some of my equipment downstairs. He informed me that my batman, Critchley, was down below. So I went and saw him. He had got one in the leg too.

'shnakes," he said, 'shnakes, there's shnakes in my bed." and he pointed. I followed his gaze to his bed that was out in the open since it was a warm summer night; his batman had made it nice and comfy for him complete with a tent type mosquito net.

'Is batman tole me 'e was a bit upset at first about bein' cut adrift from 'is pals in the Battery but 'e perked up an' reckoned 'e was goin' to 'ave things nice an' cushy for a bit. An' 'e as much as says so himself to me the first time 'e was takin' ammunition up an' I was along with 'im.

P. W. Walsh, usually known in Melbourne as Paddy Walsh. He had been chief constable in Launceston. Many years before Batman or Fawkner landed in Port Philip, parties of whalers were sent each year to strip wattle bark at Western Port. Griffiths and Co. had found the business profitable, and Paddy Walsh came to the conclusion that there was money to be made out of bark in Gippsland.

"How long have you been in the trenches?" etc., but in English he replied: "I won't tell you anything. You can't make me!" "All right, old chap, don't get excited! Come along with me." I took him to the dugout which I shared with the medical officer in the support-trenches and sent Pat, my batman, to get together the best meal he could. Pat was a genius as a provider.

A'm going to a pairty at Amiens on Friday, an' A'm no' anxious to be walkin' doon the palm court of the Café St. Pierre in ma auld tunic." "Anyway," said the batman, busily brushing that same "auld" tunic, "you wouldn't be walkin' into the Café St. Pierre." "And why not?" "Because," said the batman triumphantly, "that's one of the cafés reserved for officers only."

He says he is going to stick to you. He is going to be your batman. And as for the mine, since father's accident Mr. Wakeham has been very kind. If he were not an American he would have enlisted before this." "Oh! he would, eh?" "He would, or he would not be coming about Lakeside Farm." "Then he does come about?" "Oh, yes," said Nora with an exaggerated air of indifference.

"Private McLean," he called to his batman who, for one-and-six a week, cared for his belongings, "tak' chairge o' the dog, wull ye, an' fetch 'im to the non-com mess when ye come to put ma kit i' gude order." Before he could answer the bombardment of questions about Bobby the door was opened again. The men dropped their knives and forks and stood at attention.

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