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"Certainly, it shall be as you choose But who on earth ever pitched on such a hiding-place for temporal treasures?" "That is just ane o' my auld-fashioned gates, as you ca' them, Reuben.

So, while Rusticus will point out to you "the auld-fashioned standin' stane" on which he tells you that there are plain to be seen a cocked hat, a pair of spectacles, a comb, a looking-glass, a sow with a long snout, and a man driving a gig, Mr Urban will describe to you "a hieroglyphed monolith" in the terms following:

'Tis I be gwaine to make your happiness henceforward, mind; an' as for Miller, he belongs to an auld-fashioned generation of mankind, and it's our place to make allowances. Auld folk doan't knaw an' won't larn. But he'll come to knaw wan solid thing, if no more; an' that is as his darter'll have so gude a husband as she've got faither, though I sez it." "'Tis just what he said I shouldn't, Will."

"Certainly, it shall be as you choose But who on earth ever pitched on such a hiding-place for temporal treasures?" "That is just ane o' my auld-fashioned gates, as you ca' them, Reuben.

There is the fine Countess of Blackchester, but I think she stirs not much abroad since her affair with his Grace of Buckingham; and there is the gude auld-fashioned Scottish nobleman, Lord Huntinglen, an undeniable man of quality it is pity but he could keep caup and can frae his head, whilk now and then doth'minish his reputation.

During the week the priest kept daily moving about among his people, and little of interest could happen which did not soon come to his knowledge. "The fowk aye enjoyit a chat wi' the priest," said Bell, "for Mr. McGillivray wes the best oot at tellin' auld-fashioned stories."

I'm a stupid fule of a maid, I reckon, an' I s'pose 'tis auld-fashioned notions as I've got 'bout what be right an' wrong. But, coorse, you knaws better'n what I can; an' you'd do me no hurt 'cause you loves me you've said it; an' an' I love 'e tu, Mister Jan, I 'sure 'e better'n anything in all the world." "Why, that's good, sweet news, Joan; and Nature told me the truth after all!

"But few," added MacGregor, "ken'd he was derned there, save Rashleigh and Sir Hildebrand; for you were out o' the question; and the young lads haena wit eneugh to ca' the cat frae the cream But it's a bra' auld-fashioned house, and what I specially admire is the abundance o' holes and bores and concealments ye could put twenty or thirty men in ae corner, and a family might live a week without finding them out whilk, nae doubt, may on occasion be a special convenience.

He was sittin' behind the counter upon the lang three-leggit stool that stood fornent Mr. Weft's desk, and was turning ower the leaves of his ledger, wi' a look which, for auld-fashioned sagaciousness, was wonderfu' to behold.

It was made i' the first o' fashion, a' drawn i' the briest, an' shuders as big's smokit hams, wi' Mysie's bit facie lookin' oot atween them, like's she was sittin' in an auld-fashioned easychair. But, of coorse, I never bather my heid aboot what wey fowk's dressed. Mistress Mollison was juist as assorted as uswal.