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Come, let us accost her I like conferring with distress." "It is hard labour this?" said the Student gently. The old woman looked up askant the music of the voice that addressed her sounded harsh on her ear. "Ay, ay!" she answered. "You fine gentlefolks can know what the poor suffer; ye talk and ye talk, but ye never assist."

That lady will marry me when she pleases, but she shall not be entrapped into a clandestine marriage for your convenience." "O, that's your ultimatum, is it, Mr. Joseph Surface?" said the lawyer, biting his nails fiercely, and looking askant at his ally, with angry eyes.

But the good folk of Kilfinane eye us terribly askant, or, to be more literally exact, do not eye us at all; at least, their eyes betray "no speculation." Had I driven in from Charleville alone I might have gossipped with all the idlers of the village, but now that I am walking with a "Boycotted" person I seem to have become invisible.

"In this way," continued D'Artagnan, "you would have paralyzed my movements, and I should have gone to the king, and said, 'Sire, M. Fouquet is fortifying Belle-Isle, and exceedingly well, too; but here is a note, which the governor of Belle-Isle gave me for your majesty; or, 'M. Fouquet is about to wait upon your majesty to explain his intentions with regard to it. I should not have been placed in an absurd position; you would have enjoyed the surprise so long planned, and we should not have had any occasion to look askant at each other when we met."

Crosby soon made his appearance in the ranks of the Continentals, and, though they looked askant at him for a time, they soon discovered the truth and hailed him as a hero, for the information he had carried to Washington from Clinton's camp had often saved them from disaster.

Crosby soon made his appearance in the ranks of the Continentals, and, though they looked askant at him for a time, they soon discovered the truth and hailed him as a hero, for the information he had carried to Washington from Clinton's camp had often saved them from disaster.

"Yes," replied the lady, "if you could persuade authors what we do for them, when we coax good music to grow on barren words. Are you an author, sir?" added she, slyly. "In a small way, madam. I have here three trifles tragedies." Mrs. Woffington looked askant at them, like a shy mare. "Ah, madam!" said Triplet, in one of his insane fits, "if I might but submit them to such a judgment as yours?"

But a tint as deep as theirs was broken by the arch and dimpling smile that flickered round her mouth as she went in, laughing because this devotion was so strange, and blushing because it was so genuine. "Mamma," said she, her eyes cast down, her head askant like a shy bird's, "I am afraid I have a lover!" And then to think of it the child grew sad.

And she flounced away, looking daggers askant at the place the rat had vacated in equal terror. All this was silly, but it pleases us men, and contrast is so charming! This same fool was brimful of talent and cunning, too, for that matter. She played late that night, and Mr.

He folded the bill lovingly and tucked it away; but he flipped the coin from his thumb, spinning in the sun, caught it as it fell, and glanced askant at old Pete. "How long ago did you say it was when you began shootin'?" He voiced the query with exceeding politeness and inclined his head deferentially. "Or did you say?" Pete pondered, pushing his hand thoughtfully through his white hair.