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The anti-climax to the Gladstone crusade was reached when Lord Rosebery in 1894 took over the premiership from the greatest English advocate of the Irish cause. The position of the new leader was very simple. In effect, he told the Irish Nationalists that the English party he was about to lead had done its best for them.

The twopence seemed a ridiculous anti-climax; but business-men are necessarily as exact in figures as calculating-machines. "How is this money invested?" asked Henry Dunbar, pointing to the page. His fingers trembled a little as he did so, and he dropped his hand suddenly upon the ledger. "There's fifty thousand in India stock," Mr.

It was an anti-climax such as only an Irishman could have achieved. The tension which had held every nerve of every member on the stretch while the Prime Minister was speaking was broken. The Irish members, almost to a man, jumped to their feet, as Mr Redmond picked up his hat, waved it round his head, and said, in a tone which rang clear and true through the crowded Chamber: "God save the King!"

In later life they more frequently accept their creed as a working hypothesis of life; as a consolation in innumerable calamities; as the one supposition under which life is not a melancholy anti-climax; as the indispensable sanction of moral obligation; as the gratification and reflection of needs, instincts and longings which are planted in the deepest recesses of human nature; as one of the chief pillars on which society rests.

It was as though, during the entr'acte, surrounded by the paint-pots, the intrigues, and the wild confusion of the dressing-room, Millicent had been able to commune with herself, and to foresee and take arms against the peril of an anti-climax. By sheer force, ingenuity, vivacity, flippancy, and sauciness, she lifted her lines to the level, and above the level, of the rest of the piece.

He went on, each word distinct and by itself "if I am elected" a long pause "I shall obey the Constitution" another long pause "I shall enforce the laws!" He was descending to the aisle before the silence was broken a feeble, rippling applause, significant of disappointment at what seemed an anti-climax.

M. Zola could scarcely tear that envelope open; his hands trembled violently. And then came an anti-climax. The wire was from M. Fasquelle, who announced that he and his wife were inviting themselves to dinner at Norwood that evening. It was welcome news, but not the news so impatiently expected.

"Father's very particular about strangers being on this deck," she said a little sharply. "Oh ah I'm sorry I intruded." "I I thought I'd tell you," said Rosey, frightened by her boldness into a feeble anti-climax. "Thank you." She came back slowly to the galley and picked up the unfortunate bonnet with a slight sense of remorse. Why should she feel angry with her poor father's unhappy offering?

Moreover, he had hardly left the House of Commons and its uproar his veins were still throbbing with the excitement of the division when a voice said to him, "This is the end! You have had your 'moment' now leave the stage before any mean anti-climax comes to spoil it all. Go. Break your life across. Don't wait to be dismissed and shaken off take her gratitude with you, and go!"

Perhaps a quarter of the whole length of the room was prosaically filled with piled tobacco stored ready for the two floors of stemmers. The inspection here was brief, and to tell the truth, rather tame, like an anti-climax. Not a trace or a vestige of homicide was descried, not a blood-spot high or low....