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I told her I didn't know unless it was answerin' city folks' questions. She didn't like that very well, and I haven't heard from Job that's my brother for a long time. All my other near relations are dead. "So they foreclosed the mortgage, and gave me notice to move out.

Tell the truth, I miss them little devils she used to print on the butter pads she set at my plate ez a warnin' to me seem to me I miss them jest about ez much ez I miss her. "The nearest I ever did come to answerin' her back 'cept, of co'se, the time she chastised me was the way I used regular to heat my knife-blade good an' hot 'twix' two batter-cakes an' flatten that devil out delib'rate.

But you can't sneak out of answerin' me like that, Miss Slyboots," Phoebe continued, in high spirits. Seating herself on the arm of her sister's chair, she put her arms about her neck and, bending over, whispered: "Tell me honest, now, Rebecca, did Joe Chandler ever propose to you?" "No, he never did!" the elder sister exclaimed, rising suddenly. "Now, Mr.

Did yer notice the other day when we was talking about poverty and men bein' out of work, 'ow 'e dodged out of answerin' wot I said about machinery bein' the cause of it? 'e never answered me! Started talkin' about something else. 'Yes, I remember 'e never answered it, said Easton, who had really no recollection of the incident at all. 'I mean to tackle 'im about it at breakfast-time.

Jane Addams, writin' o' the torture chambers they call cotton mills in parts o' the South, said she saw on the night shift, with her teeth all blackened and decayed from excessive snuff chewin', a little girl o' five year old, busily and clumsily tyin' threads in coarse muslin, an' answerin' a question she said she had been there every night throughout the hot summer excep' two, when 'her legs and back wouldn't let her get up. An' what do you suppose the fact'ry owner did send a physician?

Dudin' wouldn't be a bad business," Uncle Bill added judicially, "if it weren't for answerin' questions and listenin' to their second-hand jokes. Generally they're smart people when they're on their home range and sometimes they turns out good friends." "Like Sprudell." Helen suggested mischievously. "Sprudell!" The old man's eyes blazed and he fairly jumped at the sound of the name.

They listened to her respectful, stood with their hats in their' hands, answerin' her soft, and went soft out of her presence and voted license to a man. You see, they wus all willin' to give her love and courtesy and kindness, but not the right to do as her heaven-learnt sense of right and wrong wanted her to.

No excuse for walking when one has a horse." "That's what I thought," the old man went on. "But I didn't want to ask too many questions. He didn't seem relishin' answerin' 'em." "Which way was he going?" asked the pony express lad. "Towards Rainbow Ridge. It wa'n't more'n ten minutes ago." As Jack rode off a sudden thought came to him.

"Give him a chance to know a few leadin' principles. Sailin's an art, Harvey, as I'd show you if I had ye in the fore-top o' the " "I know ut. Ye'd talk him dead an' cowld. Silince, Tom Platt! Now, after all I've said, how'd you reef the foresail, Harve? Take your time answerin'." "Haul that in," said Harvey, pointing to leeward. "Fwhat? The North Atlantuc?" "No, the boom.

He looked hard at Barrant as if for some confirmatory expression of surprise at this remarkable accession to the wagonette's fares. He waited so long that Barrant felt called upon to say something. "Who was your fellow passenger last night?" "Now you're asking me a question which takes a bit of answerin'," replied Mr. Portgartha. "'Twas like this.