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I heard some days later that a discharged soldier, who had been in the dug-out when the bomb fell, was nearly drowned by the floods of water from the hoses, and was subsequently brought round by artificial respiration. He was heard to exclaim: "Humph, first they wounds me aht in France, then they tries to drown me in a bloomin' air raid!"

'D'yer know, Liza, he said, 'I just abaht kicked the life aht of a feller 'cause 'e said you was messin' abaht with with 'im. 'An' yer knew I was? 'Yus but I wasn't goin' ter 'ave anyone say it before me. 'They've all rounded on me except you, Tom. I'd 'ave done better if I'd tiken you when you arst me; I shouldn't be where I am now, if I 'ad. 'Well, won't yer now? Won't yer 'ave me now?

Just you look 'ere, Liza: this is wot 'e done an' call 'isself a man. Just because Sally'd gone aht to 'ave a chat with Mrs. McLeod in the next 'ouse, when she come in 'e start bangin' 'er abaht. An' me, too, wot d'yer think of that! Mrs. Cooper was quite purple with indignation. 'Yus, she went on, 'thet's a man for yer.

"For a hundred years one single murder has been committed in the tundra;" "their children never fight;" "anything may be left for years in the tundra, even food and gin, and nobody will touch it;" and so on. Gilbert Sproat "never witnessed a fight between two sober natives" of the Aht Indians of Vancouver Island. "Quarrelling is also rare among their children."

'I ain't comin' aht with yer ter-day, if thet's wot yer mean, she said. 'I never thought of arskin' yer, Liza after wot you said ter me last night. His voice was a little sad, and she felt so sorry for him. 'But yer did want ter speak ter me, didn't yer, Tom? she said, more gently. 'You've got a day off ter-morrow, ain't yer? 'Bank 'Oliday. Yus! Why?

Why, I might 'ave been burnt ter death with the fire alight an' me asleep. 'Well, I am sorry, mother; but I went aht just for a bit, an' didn't think you'd wike. An' besides, the fire wasn't alight. 'Garn with yer! I didn't treat my mother like thet. Oh, you've been a bad daughter ter me an' I 'ad more illness carryin' you than with all the other children put togither.

Liza gave a long sigh of relief. 'That bucks you up, don't it? 'I was dry! I ain't told yer yet, Liza, 'ave I? 'E got it aht last night. 'Who d'yer mean? 'Why, 'Arry. 'E spit it aht at last. 'Arst yer ter nime the day? said Liza, smiling. 'Thet's it. 'And did yer? 'Didn't I jest! answered Sally, with some emphasis. 'I always told yer I'd git off before you. 'Yus! said Liza, thinking.

Martincole this afternoon? You know, the doctor who comes to the house behind us?" "See him go out abaht an hour ago, guv'nor wiv anuvver gent," said the lad eagerly, his bright eyes wavering between Viner's face and the hand which he had thrust in his pocket. He pointed to the distant entrance of the yard. "Went aht that way, they did." "Ah! And what was the other gentleman like?" asked Viner.

You've come aht walkin' with me ever since Whitsun. 'Ah, things is different now. 'You're not walkin' aht with anybody else, are you, Liza? he asked quickly. 'Na, not that. 'Well, why won't yer, Liza? Oh Liza, I do love yer, I've never loved anybody as I love you! 'Oh, I can't, Tom! 'There ain't no one else? 'Na. 'Then why not?

I wish I'd been there, I wouldn't 'ave stood by an' looked on while my daughter was gettin' the worst of it; although I'm turned sixty-five, an' gettin' on for sixty-six, I'd 'ave said to 'er: "If you touch my daughter you'll 'ave me ter deal with, so just look aht!" She brandished her glass, and that reminding her, she refilled it and Liza's.