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And as the coroner nodded, the woman read as follows: "Since you refuse to open your room door to me, let me give you fair warning. You must either obey your mother that now is, and me, or leave this house. I have had enough of your willfulness and I shall not put up with it any longer." As the woman finished reading she handed the paper to the coroner. "Ahem! Mrs.

"Still I hope you will make every exertion in your power to educate and polish Mary as much as possible, so that if by chance Ella in after years should come in contact with her, she would not feel, ahem, would not, would not be " "Ashamed to own her sister, I suppose you would say," interrupted Mrs. Mason.

"But I beg the club to consider the probable consequences of admitting such a fellow into the association. We have thus far enjoyed a good reputation, and we ought to be very careful how we tamper with our respectability." "Ahem!" said Fred. "Order!" "A good name is rather to be chosen than than purple and fine linen." "Than what!" exclaimed Fred.

For the first time during the encounter the Rector palpably gave ground. "Eh? Ah sir I ah ahem my standing in this community is perfectly assured as an ordained clergyman of the Church of England in Canada. Have you any organisation or church, any organised Christian body to which you adhere and to which you are responsible?" "Yes." "What is that body?"

Dang me," he added, "but I had like to forget if any message I was bid to tell you should come from Widow Lynch's, sayin' that her daughter's dyin' and wishes to see you, and that it's afther dusk it'll come if it does come well, if any sich message is sent to you, don't go nor don't go for any message, no matther what it is hem ahem oh! here I have it at last miss," he exclaimed in his natural voice, "isn't that a beauty?"

Ipsden. "Polkez-vous, madame?" Lady Barb. "Si, je polke, Monsieur le Vicomte." They polked for a second or two. "Well, I dare say I am wrong," cried Lady Barbara, "but I like you better now you are a downright ahem! than when you were only an insipid non-intellectual you are greatly improved." Ips. "In what respects?" Lady Barb.

On this present occasion he suddenly became preternaturally solemn, coughed with a little dry, respectable sound, and replied severely "I meant that it must never be mentioned by you, but ahem it is ah different with your father. I still leave myself at liberty to mention him with reprobation." Jean jumped up with a sparkling eye. "In that case I'll leave you.

Cook came in, and with a preliminary "Ahem!" which I knew of old meant, "I have an idea of my own, and I mean to get it carried out," said, "Oh, if you please 'm, if I might be so bold, did you think serious of engagin' the boy that's waitin' in the kitchen?" "Why do you ask, Cook? "I said.

The moment he was fairly inside the door the visitor halted, came easily and naturally to "attention" and bowed respectfully, while the cool glance of his keen blue eyes held steadily the autocrat of the Blue Star Navigation Company. "Mr. Ricks, Peck is my name, sir William E. Peck. Thank you, sir, for acceding to my request for an interview." "Ahem! Hum-m-m!" Cappy looked belligerent.

"Place for the doctor!" each one said He comes with spurs and whip, To every one he nods his head, As if he had been born and bred In Tartarus the rip! As jaunty, fearless, full of nous As Britons in the Lower House. "Good morrow, worthy sirs! Ahem! Why for Elysium care a rush? I'd rather see hell's fountains gush!"