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"Boy, Ah's been a long time to sea and Ah's cooked foh some bad crews in my time, yass, sah, but Ah's gwine tell you, boy, 'cause Ah done took a fancy to you, dis am de most iniquitous crew Ah eveh done cook salt hoss foh. Yass, sah." "What do you mean?" The negro ignored my question.

Ah's! me; little did I think to be talking of such matters, to-day, but it's one of our weaknesses never to know what will come to pass. Step into the Ark with me, Judith, for a minute; I wish to convarse with you." Judith complied with a willingness she could scarce conceal.

I should not have come myself, Mabel, but I promised the Sergeant to comfort you and to look after your safety. Ah's me! I reconnoitred the island with a heavy heart this forenoon; and there was a bitter hour when I fancied you might be among the slain." "By what lucky accident were you prevented from paddling up boldly to the island and from falling into the hands of the enemy?"

Ah's me! if I could choose a change in the orderings of Providence which I cannot, and which it would be blasphemy to attempt, seeing that all things are governed by a wiser mind than belongs to mortal weakness but if I were to choose a change, it would be to say, that such as they who have lived long together in friendship and kindness, and who have proved their fitness to go in company, by many acts of suffering and daring in each other's behalf, should be permitted to give up life at such times, as when the death of one leaves the other but little reason to wish to live."

"Dah you is," he murmured, bending over the red, shallow gash that the bullet had cut, "dah you is. Don' you fret. Ah's gwine git you all tied up clean an' han'some, yass, sah." The yells and cries of every description alarmed and agitated us both. It was far from reassuring to know that that mob of natives was ranging the ship at will.

He has a right to claim our hospitality, for who, think you, is he? no other than one of those Spanish cousins we have heard often spoken about by her who lies sleeping in yonder churchyard out there ah's me! and others. Nurse Bertha will know all about them; we must get her to tell us before he comes: he will be here soon, though.

"Oh, yes, boss, ah work in Kingston ten years as a bar-maid." "Married?" "No, boss, ah's not 'xactly married. Ah's livin' with a person." A colored family: Sarah Green, very black, has a child named Edward White, and is now living with Henry Brown, a light yellow negro. West Indian wit: A shop-sign in Empire: "Don't ask for credit. He is gone on vacation since January 1, 1912."

Little did he dream how soon he was to discover that Annapolis, in some of its parts, can be lively enough. As he paid his bill and stepped to the street, a young mulatto hurried up to him. "Am Ah correct, sah, in supposin' yo' Cap'n Jack Benson?" "That's my name," Jack admitted. "Den Ah's jes' been 'roun' to de hotel, lookin' fo' yo', sah.

"You've decoyed me trapped me here with a mess of lies," flung back Captain Jack, angrily. "What's your game?" "Dis am a free lodgin' house ho, ho, ho!" chuckled the late guide. "Ah's gwine gib yo' er place to sleep fo' de night. To' sho'ly must feel 'bleeged to me ho, ho, ho!" "You lied to me about Sam Truax!" "Yeah!

"It's sure goin' fer ter bother Massa Donaldson ter lose dis nigger, sah, fer Ah's de only one he's got." The lights slowly faded away in the far distance, finally disappearing altogether as we rounded a sharp bend in the river bank. The engine increased its stroke, giving vent to louder chugging, and I could feel the strain of the planks beneath us as we battled the current.