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Updated: August 10, 2024

Yes, for the moment, I am no longer a pauper. As you yourself will have noticed, in your journey through the west, rural France is enjoying a sudden return of prosperity. It is unaccountable. No one can make me believe that it is to be ascribed to this scandalous Government, under which we agonise. But there it is and we must thank Heaven for it." Which was only the truth.

The duke, saved from death by the timely arrival of Wolfram, exclaims 'Blest hour! and then, in a moment, begins to ponder, and agonise, and dream: And yet how palely, with what faded lips Do we salute this unhoped change of fortune! Thou art so silent, lady; and I utter Shadows of words, like to an ancient ghost, Arisen out of hoary centuries Where none can speak his language.

I wonder what's become of him." The discrepancies of an unfortunate party caused no disturbance to the staff of Wanless Hall. Sanchia, whatever her private cares and they seemed less than those of other people on her account suffered nothing to interfere with her housekeeping. Ingram might rage for her in vain, Chevenix agonise, or quarrel with his host and friend, Mrs.

This ignoring of all right to her children on the part of the married mother is a scandal and a wrong that has since been redressed by Parliament, and the husband has no longer in his grasp this instrument of torture, whose power to agonise depends on the tenderness and strength of the motherliness of the wife.

And in the wonderful night the moon knows, she hangs the planet on which so many millions of us fight, and sin, and agonise, and die a sphere of glow-worm light. Having discoursed so long about Dreamthorp, it is but fair that I should now introduce you to her lions.

It is not an unworthy object not unworthy, I mean, of a divine sacrifice to make men glad. It is worth His while to come from Heaven to agonise and to die, in order that He may sprinkle some drops of incorruptible and everlasting joy over the weary and sorrowful hearts of earth.

"Ho, call me here the wizard, boy, Of dark and subtle skill, To agonise but not destroy, To curse, but not to kill. When swords are out, and shriek and shout, Leave little room for prayer, No fetter on man's arm or heart Hangs half so heavy there. "I curse him by the gifts the land Hath won from him and Rome The riving axe, the wasting brand, Rent forest, blazing home.

'Nay! do not go. Forgive me, he said, 'forgive me, for I am most miserable. 'Why, why are you? 'Oh! do not ask; you agonise me. 'Shall I sing? Shall I charm the evil spirit? 'Anything? She tripped to the piano, and an air, bursting like the spring, and gay as a village feast, filled the room with its delight. He listened, and each instant the chilly weight loosened from his heart.

"Trenck remembers his calamities, but the remembrance is advantageous to himself and his family; while with me, the past did but increase, did but agonise, the present and the future. He was not like me, obliged to crouch in presence of those vulgar, those incapable minds, that do but consider the bent back as the footstool of pride.

The regenerated will endure and rejoice; the unrepentant sinner will agonise, and he must flee from before the Face of Christ, because the agony that he feels is the dispersal of his imperfect soul; and where shall the sinner flee, where shall he go to find happiness? for saint and sinner alike desire happiness, and there is in Spirit-life only one happiness the Bliss of God.

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