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"That boy give her a sight o' difficulty; he used to want to learn, but 'long at the first he'd turn red as fire if he much as met a sheep in a pastur'. The last time I see him on the floor I went home an' told her he done as well as any. You can see for yourself, now they're all a-movin'." The fresh southerly breeze came wafting into the hall and making the lamps flare.

Den I reck'n'd I'd inves' de thirty-five dollars right off en keep things a-movin'. Dey wuz a nigger name' Bob, dat had ketched a wood-flat, en his marster didn' know it; en I bought it off'n him en told him to take de thirty-five dollars when de en' er de year come; but somebody stole de wood-flat dat night, en nex day de one-laigged nigger say de bank's busted.

Robert, who met him now as a neighbor for the first time, tried to talk with him, but failed, and turned himself gladly to Mrs. Folsom, who delighted him with her vigorous phrases. "Oh, we're a-movin', though you wouldn't think it. This town is filled with a lot of old skinflints. Close ain't no name for 'em. Jest ask Folsom thar about 'em. He's been buildin' their houses for 'em.

The entire party halted as if with one accord, and would have turned to look at us, but that the sergeant said, sharply, emphasizing the words by the click of his rifle-lock as he cocked the weapon: "Keep a-movin' unless you're achin' to have a bullet put through the back of every blessed one in the gang!" "But, look here, this is too much of a joke," one of them cried, with a drunken laugh.

The crowd around the Crinoline had increased and some sort of a struggle seemed to be going on. As I drew near I heard Lee-Bigge's voice: "Keep back! keep back!" A boy came running towards me. "It's a-movin'," he said to me as he passed; "a-blowin' and a-blowin' out. Now we shan't be long!" Passing on, I saw that it was indeed expanding.

Why, if you'd only have seen him when Mary come in in her tantrums at 'aving to get the tray single-handed, and begun a-grumblin' and a-bangin' things about, as is her way, being of a quick temper, though, as I tells her, too slow a-movin' of herself. As I were a-sayin', you should have seen that boy.

"I done opened the doors ter their rooms, an' listened, an' shet 'em again 'thout ary one of 'em a-movin' even. I'll fix the winder, now, an' then we kin make a light." Carefully, she closed the window and drew down the shade. Then she lit the lamp. Auntie Sue, who was sitting on the bed, looked at the girl in bewildered amazement.

His brows was thick, bushy and overhangin', like young brush-wood on a cliff, and onderneath, was two black peerin' little eyes, that kept a-movin' about, keen, good-natured, and roguish, but sot far into his skull, and looked like the eyes of a fox peepin' out of his den, when he warn't to home to company hisself.

I suppose it's time to be a-movin'. 'Stop, says I, 'jist come with me, I got a real nateral curiosity to show you such a thing as you never laid your eyes on in Nova Scotia, I know. So we walked along towards the beach.

He gave at the knees and his body wilted and settled down even as he threw a desperate shot at Pete in a last venomous effort to kill. "You seen it was an even break," said Pete, turning to Cotton, who immediately sank to his knees and implored Pete not to kill him. "But I reckon you'd lie, anyhow," continued Pete, paying no attention to the other's mouthings. "Hunt your cayuse and git a-movin'."