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He was childlike in his ignorance and in his delight. He exclaimed, he slapped his thigh, he laughed aloud at each advance. "It's a-comin'. Next time she h'ists, the money's mine.... And 'tain't been two hours. What'll the folks say to that, eh?

An' who ever viewed a jury a-horseback afore? An' thar ain't but seben on 'em!" laboriously counting, "five, six, seben. Thar's twelve men on a sure enough jury! I counted the panel ez hung Ezekiel Tilbuts fur a-murderin' of his wife. I war thar in town whenst they fetched in thar verdic'. I dunno what the kentry be a-comin' ter! Shucks!

But this year those forty-eight hours were destined to drag past, for John wasn't coming; why, we shall discover, for Polly Mariner has finished the cider, and the gingerbread is as much subject of inquiry as "The Indians, where are they?" "So John Boynton a'n't a-comin'? Well!

What with these devil-ships a-flyin' about the skies, and dropping thunderbolts on us from the clouds, and furreners a-comin' up the Thames as I've heard, London ain't 'ealthy enough for me, nor the missus and the kids, and thanks for your kindness, sir, we're movin' to-night, keb an' all. "Oh, my Gawd, there's another! 'Otel Cecil and Savoy this time, if I've got my bearin's right.

He wasn't no mo' 'n 'bout three months ol' when he said it; 'n' then, 'fo' I could ketch my breath, hardly, an put in my claim, what does he do but square aroun', an', lookin' at me direc', say "dada!" thess like that. There's the secon' bell, doctor. 'Sh! Don't ring no mo', Dicey! We're a-comin'! At the first bell the roller-towel an' basin gen'ally holds a reception; but to-day bein' Sunday

Well, I got a young fir tree pulled up, and was jist a-going to light my pipe, when I see some figures a-comin' threw the plantation towards a summer-'ouse that was put up 'bout two year ago. So I lied luff.

Until the great University bells chimed the hour of midnight, Tessibel waited in the hut for Frederick. "She hes forgot to tell him," she muttered wearily, pulling the sleepy babe into her arms, "and and he ain't a-comin'." Tess saw the minister's family arrive in the small lake steamer, and saw Frederick meet them at the dock.

The wind is a-comin' up fresh and free that shall spread the sails and waft the life-boat into the Land of Promise. For the word is sure, and He says "I will bring you out into a great place." But I am a-eppisodin', and a-eppisodin' to a length and depth almost onpresidented and onheard on and to resoom, and go on.

After a few moments one of the field-hands, followed by Seymour, burst panting into the room, his mouth working with excitement and his eyes almost starting from his head. "Well, sir, what is it?" said the colonel. "Foh de Lawd's sake, suh, dey'se a-comin', suh, dey'se a-comin'. Dey'se right behin' me; dey'll be heah in a minute, suh." "Who is coming, you idiot!" exclaimed the colonel.

Wonder if there'd be any chance of me lending a hand?" Dollops thought a moment. "You might try, sir 'twould do no 'arm, anyway," he said after a pause. "Pertickler as you're my mate, so ter speak. Ought ter be able to work it, I should think.... Look. Who's a-comin' now? If it ain't ole Black Whiskers 'imself!" And Black Whiskers it was, to be sure.