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Updated: August 4, 2024

One day, for illustration, I was passing along a street of a city, far from here, when I met two men in uniform, one of whom, half pausing and looking curiously into my face, said to his companion, "That man looks like 767." Something in the number seemed familiar and horrible. Moved by an uncontrollable impulse, I sprang into a side street and ran until I fell exhausted in a country lane.

This line of English steamers receives, as is stated by the Commissioner of Navigation, a direct subsidy of $400,000 annually, or $30,767 per trip for thirteen voyages, in addition to some further aid from the Admiralty in connection with contracts under which the vessels may be used for naval purposes.

The officers had more reputation and experience; and the soldiers, though undisciplined and ill armed, were animated, as well by the national aversion to England, and the dread of becoming a province to their old enemy, as by an unsurmountable fervor of religion. * Rush. vol. iii. p. 1329. Franklyn, p. 767. Clarendon, vol. i p. 115, 116, 117. * Burnet's Memoirs of Hamilton.

Amid flashes of lightning and peals of thunder this document was read to a council whose membership had shrunk during seven months of deliberation from 767 to 547 attendants, 277 qualified members had never put in an appearance, and of these all but two had been cowed into abject submission.

It is gratifying also to note that during the year a considerable reduction is shown in the expenditures of the Government. The War Department expenditures for the fiscal year 1900 were $134,774,767.78, a reduction of $95,066,486.69 over those of 1899.

The naval expenditure is put at $114,306,575; the army expenditure is put at $192,627,080. Both the army and navy are being largely increased. In the year 1916 the strength of the navy is expected to be about 79,000 men, and of the army and navy combined 767,000.

So he wandered further south, and finding a rock in the forest above the Dordogne, wherein was a small cave, out of which flowed a spring, he took up his abode therein. His fame soon brought disciples to him, and gathered admirers about him; and after his death in 767, a monastery of Benedictine monks was settled there, and a town sprang up about it. The cave of S. Emilion still remains.

«L'observation de la correspondance des angles, fut-elle aussi universelle qu'elle l'est peu, ne prouveroit donc autre chose, sinon que les vallées sont nées de la fissure et de l'écartement des montagnes, ou qu'elles ont été creusées par les torrens et les rivières qui y coulent actuellement. On voit un grand nombre de vallées naître, comme je l'ai fait voir au Bon-Homme, § 767, sur les flancs d'une montagne; on les voit s'élargir et s'approfondir a proportion des eaux qui y coulent; un ruisseau qui sort d'une glacier, ou qui sort d'une prairie, creuse un sillon, petit d'abord, mais qui s'agrandit successivement

The vessel tonnage entered and cleared in the foreign trade of London during 1890 amounted to 13,480,767 tons, and of Liverpool 10,941,800 tons, a total for these two great shipping ports of 24,422,568 tons, only slightly in excess of the vessel tonnage passing through the Detroit River.

No. 6,767, Dr. Woolrich, 23, Horseferry Road; chloroform! Can't make out the quantity, but it must be a lot, I should think; the price is eighteen and ninepence. 'Dr. Woolrich, 23, Horseferry Road? Simon repeated mechanically. 'Chloroform? 'That's it, said Albert. 'You may bet your boots. Let's look him up in the Medical Directory, if they've got one here. Yes, they're sure to have one.

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