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Updated: September 22, 2024

For the same twelve months of 1891-92 the production of Bessemer ingots was 3,878,581 tons, an increase of 189,710 gross tons over the previously unprecedented yearly production of 3,688,871 gross tons in 1890. The production of Bessemer steel rails for the first six months of 1892 was 772,436 gross tons, as against 702,080 gross tons during the last six months of the year 1891.

The principal imports in 1916 were: Cotton goods $1,721,534 Iron and steel manufactures, including sugar machinery 1,562,367 Rice 1,080,068 Wheat flour 621,900 Provisions, meat and dairy products 530,195 Oils 545,284 Bagging and other manufactures of vegetable fiber 508,644 Vehicles and boats 408,832 Manufactures of leather 385,518 Wood and manufactures of wood 317,421 Codfish and other preserved fish and fish products 309,204 Chemicals, drugs and dyes 293,072 Soap, and ingredients for the manufacture of soap 233,991 Paper and manufactures of paper 171,706 Beer 168,901 Agricultural implements 121,830

In 1903 159,000,000 pounds were exported to England alone, and the total exports were 182,594,000 pounds. The remainder is consumed in India, and more than a million pounds annually are purchased for the use of the army. Among other consumers the United States bought 1,080,000 and China 1,337,000 pounds.

In the same way the debt of the empire in 1910 stood at $1,224,150,000, and the debt of the states of the empire at $3,856,325,000, or a grand total outstanding indebtedness of all Germany of $5,080,475,000. Of late years the imperial expenditure of Great Britain, for example, has amounted to some $935,000,000 a year; but various local bodies spend also some $900,000,000 a year.

From the registers of the chateau, under date of December 10, 1809, the following, which concerned a hunting party given by the chatelain, is extracted verbatim. Illuminations 1,080 francs Gratifications to the beaters 1,000 francs Eau de Cologne for the ladies 30 francs Gun-bearers 148 francs Helpers 600 francs Aids 315 francs

Within six months new employees were being taken on at the rate of only 4,080 a year and this notwithstanding the fact that many changes were necessitated by sweeping reorganization and adoption of new methods of manufacture in the industry.

Spoken by Hindi 85,675,373 Malayalam 5,428,250 Bengali 41,343,762 Masalmani 3,669,390 Telugu 19,885,137 Sindhi 2,592,341 Marathi 18,892,875 Santhal 1,709,680 Punjabi 17,724,610 Western Pahari 1,523,098 Tamil 15,229,759 Assamese 1,435,820 Gujarathi 10,619,789 Gond 1,379,580 Kanarese 9,751,885 Central Pahari 1,153,384 Uriya 9,010,957 Marwadi 1,147,480 Burmese 5,926,864 Pashtu 1,080,931

The wants of the fairer portion of the population are supplied, by 1,080 linen drapers, 1,500 milliners and dressmakers; 1,540 private schools take charge of their children; and 290 pawn-brokers' shops find employment and profit out of the reverses, follies, and vices of the community.

Hipparchus also undertook to make a register of the stars by the method of alineations that is, by indicating those which were in the same apparent straight line. The number of stars catalogued by him was 1,080.

The quantity of coals carbonized amounted to 8,840 chaldrons; produced 106,080,000 cubic feet of gas. The South London Gas-Light and Coke Company, at Bankside: The number of retorts was 140; gasometers 3; the contents of the whole 41,110 cubic feet; and their mains from 30 to 40 miles in length.

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