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"We want Hickathrift's dog here," cried Dick. "What for, lad? what for?" said Dave, laughing. "To catch the hares." "Nay, yow want no dog," said Dave. "Easy enough to catch hares." "Easy! How?" cried Tom. "Go up to 'em and catch 'em," said Dave coolly. "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Dick, and his companion joined in. "I should like to see you catch a hare, Dave." "Shouldst ta, lad? Very well, wait a bit."

"Well, to me they seemed as if so many young eels had grown ashamed of being so long and thin, and they had been feeding themselves up and squeezing themselves short, so as to look as like tench as possible." "Oh, I know what you mean!" cried Tom. "Eel-pouts! they're just about half-way between eels and tench." "Nay, yow wean't catch them here," said Dave oracularly.

"Business falls off something terrible with him, Mawruss; and the first thing you know, Mawruss, Klinger & Klein gets rid of him and them diamonds would got to come in handy before he finds another job." "Yow! Klinger & Klein would get rid of him!" Morris cried skeptically. "Max Kirschner ain't no ordinary drummer, Abe. There's a feller which he was born and raised on this side.

He only saw her lips moving, and could not hear, so he nodded his head, and smiled, and waved, and was gone. So Tyler Kamps had travelled up to Chicago. Whenever they passed a sizable town they had thrown open the windows and yelled, "Youp! Who-ee! Yow!" People had rushed to the streets and had stood there gazing after the train.

Li Yow had a philosophy, old when the Christian philosophy was born, which amply sufficed to relieve his mind of any superstitious terrors. Mexicans on the rampage, and Yaquis on the warpath, did not, however, come under the category of superstitious fears, and he heartily hoped he might accomplish his journey without meeting either of them.

I do't know such namesh " But before the parley could go farther, the farmer burst past policeman and Jew, and rushed into the passage, roaring, in a voice which made the very windows rattle, "Billy Poorter! Billy Poorter! whor be yow? whor be yow?"

Thereafter the rage of our people came upon me, and I hacked off the breasts, that the men of Little Malikand might know the crime, and cast the body into the water-course that flows to the Kabul river. Dray wara yow dee! Dray wara yow dee! The body without the head, the soul without light, and my own darkling heart all three are one all three are one!

Then they began to go up and down, first slowly, and then faster and faster, until they were jiggling up and down as fast as the teakettle boils when there's company coming to supper. "Hi, yi!" yelled Billie and Johnnie. "Isn't this fun?" "Wow, yow! It certainly is," agreed Buddy. "Only don't jump off too suddenly when I'm in the air, or I'll fall and be hurt."

"Yow take howd o' this one, young Tom Tallington," said Dave; and the lad prepared to hook the line as the punt was carefully urged forward. "Take care, Tom!" whispered Dick excitedly. "Now, now! Oh, what a fellow you are!"

"You, young Tom Tallington, pass me that theer boocket." Tom lifted the bucket, which stood at the side, covered over with some old pieces of netting, and placed it between Dave's knees in the spot from which he removed the basket. "Now you can both hev a look," he said with a sly glance from one to the other. "Hey, little boys, then; hey, little boys: back yow go!"