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What settled the matter in the end was that Phoebe cried bitterly at being misrepresented, while Maisie was so ill-advised as not to do the same, and even made some parade of triumph. "Yow are Maisie. I heerd yow a-crowun'," said an old stone-dresser, who, with other mill-hands, was referred to for an opinion.

In the afternoon, or as the natives express it, when the sun had lost its strength, they departed from the town of Bidjie, accompanied by its good natured, happy governor, and in a very few minutes afterwards reached the banks of a rivulet called Yow.

"Ti ope I ow wow, Ti ope I ow yow, Ti ope I ow tow, Ti ope I ligh." The words, I say, sounded like that: the music it would be impossible to give, for the whole blended together into so lamentable a howl, that both Barkins and Smith started up into wakefulness from a deep sleep, and the former looked wildly round, as confused and wondering he exclaimed "What's matter?"

However, he met his ill luck placidly, and, handing his visitor a chair, begged to know "what he could do to serve him." "You can tell me what became of a letter from Miss Brandon, which ought to have reached yow master two months ago, and miscarried."

He stared hard at Colwyn and then advanced towards him with a grin of recognition. "Yow be lookin' to see how t'owd ma'aster was hulled dune th' pit?" he asked. "I was wondering how far the pit ran straight down," replied Colwyn. "It seems to take a slight slope a little way down. Does it?" "I doan't know narthin' about th' pit, and I doan't want to," replied Mr.

"Oh!" said Dick; and there was a pause, during which the fire roared, and the smoke flew over the wheelwright's long, low house at the edge of the fen. "I say," cried Dick, "you don't set oyster-catchers in the 'coy." "Yow don't know what you're talking about," growled the man addressed.

This was Mrs Stannard, the stewardess, and Mrs Stannard meant bedtime. "Dicky," said Mr Lestrange, closing his book, and raising the table-cloth a few inches, "bedtime." "Oh, not yet, daddy!" came a sleep-freighted voice from under the table; "I ain't ready. I dunno want to go to bed, I Hi yow!"

And he grasped my hand in his great iron fist, and fairly burst out crying. "Was he a relation of yours?" I asked, gently. "My bairn my bairn my eldest bairn. Dinnot yow ax me no moor dinnot then, bor'. Gie on, yow powney, and yow goo leuk vor un." Another long silence. "I've a been to Lunnon, looking vor un." Another silence.

The faces of the men showed that the epithet rankled, as Colwyn intended that it should. There was a brief pause, and then another fisherman stepped forward and said: "I'm a Norfolk man, and nobbut agoin' to say I'm afeered. I'll go wi' yow, ma'aster." "If yower game, Tom, I'll go too," said another.

Alvayse I beseik yow be at me the morne at evin, for I hew asswred his lo. servand, that I sall send yow over the vatter vithin thre dayis, vith an full resolucion of all my vill, anent all purposes; As I sall indeid recommend yow and yowr trustiness till his lo. as ye sall find an honest recompense for yowr panes in the end.