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Alvayse I beseik yow be at me the morne at evin, for I hew asswred his lo. servand, that I sall send yow over the vatter vithin thre dayis, vith an full resolucion of all my vill, anent all purposes; As I sall indeid recommend yow and yowr trustiness till his lo. as ye sall find an honest recompense for yowr panes in the end.

"Haven't swallowed much water, I hope?" "No, no," said Winklemann faintly; "mine lunks, I do tink, are free of vatter, but mine lecks are stranchly qveer. I hav no lecks at all! 'Pears as if I vas stop short at zee vaist!" Herr Winklemann said no more, but was swiftly borne, in a state of semi-consciousness, to his friends on the Little Mountain.

"Here, have a drink of beer first," said the host, pouring out a foaming glass. Warder shook his head. Winklemann remarked that, "beer vas goot, ver goot, but they had been used to vatter of late." "Ah!" he added, after devouring half a slice of bread while waiting for Cora to prepare another; "blessed brod an' booter!

"Vy you not put more vatter on 'im?" shouted the foreigner. The stern countenance of the fireman relaxed, and a humorous smile lit up his countenance for one instant; but he took no other notice of the foreigner, who was quickly collared by two policemen as strong as himself, and thrust back into the crowd, where he was received with laughter, and presented with much good advice.