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"Brightest thing I've heard to-night," screamed Hen, defiantly, through the curtains. "Aw, Loo!" came her mother's soft voice from the unseen. "Run upstairs and get half a dozen napkins, my child. The wash is in the basket on my bed." "We always pretend like we're repeating it to Miss Mamie, just for fun," concluded Looloo. "Yes'm, mother!" "Oh! I see," said Carlisle.

"That's what I mean," Florence explained. "I expect he's just brute enough to drive him off." "Yes'm," said Mrs. Silver. "He git madder ev'y time somebody sen' her new pet. You' grampaw mighty nervous man, an' everlas'n'ly do hate animals." "He hasn't seen Gammire, has he?" "Don't look like it, do it?" said Kitty Silver. "Dog here yit."

Carson shifted a bit, colored under her fixed eyes, and finally admitted: "Yes'm." "Haven't had a real first-class fight for quite a bit, have you, Carson? Not since that gash on your jaw healed? Not since you and Scotty Webb mixed with the Roaring Creekers?"

"Yes'm," said Jessy, and she skipped away quite happy. She thought teacher had rebuffed her because her face was not washed, and that did not trouble her in the least. Lack of cleanliness or lack of morals, when brought home to them, could hardly sting any scion of that branch of the Ramseys.

She looked down a dizzy slope of which the horse's foothold seemed to her the most precarious part. "Yes'm all the road there is. We call it that. We're kind of po-lite to these little efforts of the Government kind of want to encourage 'em. Congressmen kind of needs coaxin' and flat'ry. They're right ornery critters. I heard an argyment atween a feller with a hoss and a feller with a mule onct.

"Whatever they do or say when they come back, children, I don't want you to say a word unless you're spoken to. Can you remember?" "Yes'm," promised the four little Blossoms, four little hearts warm with sympathy for poor Mr. Harley. "Where do you suppose he was all the time he wasn't there?" whispered Meg. "I don't know," answered her mother. "He may have been ill.

Lander. "No'm; but he's I don't know how to express it he likes to do every kind of thing." "But he's got some business, ha'n't he?" A shadow of severity crept over Mrs. Lander's tone, in provisional reprehension of possible shiftlessness. "Yes'm. He was a machinist at the Mills; that's what the doctas thought didn't agree with him.

"'Yes'm, I answered, very meekly. "'Very well, then, we will hear the remark you made, and judge if it was necessary enough to excuse you for breaking the rule. "I fairly gasped, for nothing would have made me repeat the remark, and hurt Phoebe's feelings. In spite of her untidiness, we all liked her, for she was always good company.

White's 'bout nightfall." "Dr. White was your old doctor, wasn't he?" prompted Miss Hazy. "Yes'm. He used to tend Mr. Wiggs before we moved over into Bullitt County. You know Mr. Wiggs was a widow man when I married him. He had head trouble. Looked like all his inflictions gethered together in that head of hisn. He uster go into reg'lar transoms!"

Up the dusty way to the gate the little bare feet flew to tell glad tidings to a lonely woman. She stood beside the window looking out on the wreck of her life in a stupor of wordless pain. She saw her boy leap the fence as a hound and rushed from the house in alarm to meet him. He was breathless, but he managed to gasp his message. "Ma Ma Colonel Lee's comin' to see you!" "To see me?" "Yes'm.